How to get the Doomicorn skin in Doom Eternal
Getting the Doomicorn skin in Doom Eternal is as easy as linking your Bethesda and Twitch accounts. To do this, log into your Bethesda.net Profile (this link will take you directly to where you need to go). After signing in, click on the thumbnail with a plus sign that says “Add a platform, social network or game account”. Follow the instructions to link your Twitch account, and once everything is properly linked, head over to the Doom Eternal Twitch Prime page. Make sure you're signed in with the correct Twitch account that you just linked to your Bethesda account. If everything was done correctly, and if you have an active Amazon Prime membership, you should see a “Claim Now” button above the DOOMicorn Slayer Master Collection. Clicking on the skin will claim it and make it available in your Doom Eternal game.
To activate the Doomicorn skin in the game, go to the Doom Eternal main menu and select Customize. From there select the Doomslayer and the Doomicorn skin should be listed among the other skins. Because the DOOMicorn Slayer is part of a Master Collection, it comes with tons of other cosmetic items to equip. Here is all it contains:
- "DOOMicorn" Slayer Skin
- "Purple Pony" skin variant
- Night-sea skin variants
- Podium de base «Magic Meadow»
- "For those who dare to dream!"
- Clip Clop position animation
- Animation d'introduction «Haymaker»
- Horsing Around victory animation
- Love Conquers All Player Icon
- Nameplate and title "Super Sparkle Slayer"
In April and May, two additional skins will be released for Twitch Prime members, so be sure to check back to claim them as well.