Is the December Community Day ticket worth it?
At just $ 0,99, December's Pokémon GO Community Day ticket isn't the most expensive item you can buy in the game. However, for those who like to stick with such a free game. as possible each month, the question arises as to whether the proposed special research is worth the price and effort to complete it. This is the very first of these types of tickets for a December CD, which combines all of the featured Pokémon from the year's events, so we can't say for sure until the Special Research goes live. (watch here for an update when this happens). However, we can speculate and have good evidence to continue.
Previous Community Day tickets easily more than paid for themselves, if you actually attend the event and complete the research. While it's not timed, there are many tasks that require you to catch a large number of Featured Pokémon, so if you're not playing on Saturday December 12 or Sunday the 13 during event hours, which are 11 a.m. to 17pm each day, so that will definitely be a bit of a waste. Still, the rewards are usually good enough and with so many featured characters you should get a wide array of them and have plenty of chances to complete the research.
And the big plus is that it's a two-day event, maximizing the time you can focus on completing it while the event is active. What would the rewards be? Previous tickets offered Incense, Poffin, tons of Stardust and XP, and more. You also get encounters with the featured Pokemon, which in this case could be a large group. Weedle, Abra, Gastly, Rhyhorn, Seedot and Piplup will be presented on Saturday with Charmander, Electabuzz, Magmar, Magikarp and Porygon taking over on Sunday. If you need some extra shiny chances or want some bonus candy, the ticket is definitely for you.
So, is the Pokémon GO December Community Day ticket worth it? This is probably the cheapest ticket of the whole year, although we doubt it at the moment. If you have some cash to spend, it's probably worth collecting it, if you play for at least two hours during the event. Players who want brighter Pokemon encounters, or more candy, or high IV characters will almost certainly get a lot out of this, but be sure to come back when we know the exact tasks and full rewards.