Hidden gems are more hidden, and there are tons of [[Easy to miss] crates this time. Basically that will be the norm for the rest of the game. Watch out for hidden spots and try to avoid triggering Nitro Crates early. This will void your total count and leave you confused on the collectible hunt. There is always a crate of Nitro Detonator at the end of each level anyway. Let's go and find them all.
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2-1: A real grind | All crates and hidden gems
24/153: All these elements are up to the second control point, outside the first grinding rail. Avoid the Nitro crates and make sure to use your power-up to swap dimensions and spawn the hidden crates.

[[Easy to miss] 25/153: After the Nitro crate, you will come across a dimensional barrel platform that is taller than the others. Jump and climb high to find an incredibly easy to miss crate.
32/153: Found between the previous crate and the rail grindstone. Use a slide jump to reach the top path of the crate. This account includes the checkpoint cash register.
[[Easy to miss] 40/153: There are 8 other cases just before the rectification of the rail. Don't destroy the lower crates - there is a bouncing crate that will help you reach one above the fruit crates.
53/153: There are 12 crates on the first crushing rail and 1 checkpoint crate right after you launch.
[[Easy to miss] 68/153: Make sure you jump high [Hold Jump] outside of "? »Box to reach the very high box above. Then crush to destroy the solid crates.
74/153: Hit the "! »Crate to reveal a path. Destroy the six wooden crates here before the second grinding rail.
89/153: On the second grinding rail, you will need to lower yourself and slide left / right to hit all the crates. There are 14 crates on the crushing rail and 1 checkpoint crate at the end. The bonus room is right next to the checkpoint cashier.

[[Easy to miss] 90/153: To the left of the bonus room, there is a crate very well hidden inside the tires. Make sure you catch it before entering the bonus room.
112/153: There are 22 boxes in the bonus room. There are no tips here. The trickier part is the two fruit crates. Use a spin attack to destroy the upper fruit crate if you're having trouble with the timing.
[[Easy to miss] 113/153: After completing the bonus room, you can grab another very well hidden crate on the right. It's just below the location of the bonus platform.
114/153: Pass the bonus room, defeat the mutant and find an Aku-Aku crate. The crate marks a hidden path on your left - follow it for easily missed crates.
[[Easy to miss] 121/153: There are 7 crates on the optional path. The entrance is marked by the Aku-Aku checkout from the previous entrance.
129/153: You will find these crates the moment you get off the optional path.
136/153: On the way to the next checkpoint. The checkpoint is included here.

[[Easy to miss] 137/153: There is another tricky crate just after the checkpoint where you get the blue power-up. Spawn the top fruit crate, then slide the jump to bounce on it and up a ledge to the right. There is only one crate here.
139/153: Don't forget the two boxes of fruit.
145/153: On the way through the dimension shifting platforms.
Hidden gem: The hidden gem is near the exit. After climbing, jump to the left platform. There are two crates here. Use them to reach the upper platform with the gem.
147/153: Don't forget the two crates under the hidden gem. You'll break one by jumping towards the gem. Crush the other too.
153/153: Hit the Nitro detonator at the end of the scene to collect the last crates.