Certain Pokémon in Pokémon Go will now have the chance to become stronger beyond their final form and access their Mega Evolution. Traditionally in Pokémon, a Mega Evolution is only available in combat. But in Pokémon Go, you can Mega Evolve your Pokémon, and it can travel with you. You can take it with you on raids or fight it against Team Rocket. Will you be able to take it with you for use in the fighting league?
When the Mega Evolved Pokémon become available on Pokémon Go, players will not be prohibited from using them in the Battle League. Niantic did not say when they plan to introduce these powerful Pokémon to the PvP portion of the mobile game. Still, gamers don't have to worry about fighting a Mega Evolved Charizard X or Y anytime soon. Chances are that when you can use them in the Fight League, they will have a Fight League class exclusively available for trainers to use.
For example, in the second season of the Fighting League, Niantic created the Premier Cup. It comes alongside the Master League, which allows Trainers to use any Pokémon on their roster, whether it's a Mythical Pokémon or its maximum CP stat. However, the Premier Cup follows these same rules, except for the fact about Mythical Pokémon. They are prohibited. A similar system will likely be available for Mega Evolved Pokémon, allowing all Pokémon Go trainers to participate in the Battle League, regardless of which Pokémon they have.
The Pokémon Mega Evolved is a concept that could introduce other alternate forms of Pokémon, such as Dynamaxing, released for Pokémon Sword and Shield. We already have Galar Pokémon in the game, but even these Pokémon are available in small waves.