The job of a policeman in Astral Chain goes beyond beating the tar of enemies. You're supposed to go out of your way to clean up the city, and in doing so, you might come across a salvage operation, an unwanted item that will take up space in your inventory. Here's what you can do with salvage, and how you can get it for those looking to acquire the core item.
How to Obtain and Use Astral Chain Rescue
What does it do?
In most cases, you'll want to use the cooldown to acquire currency, G. You will need it throughout the game. So getting cooldown is a great thing to do. Because you're going to find it almost anywhere, you're going to take a lot of it. As such, you want to make sure you know what to do when you have it. You must take it to a merchant located anywhere in the game. None of the in-game vendors will refuse you. Go to the "sell" tab, and choose "rescue" when talking to a trader. You will see the various items listed under the backup that you can sell to the seller.
Where is it?
Locating the recovery is extremely easy. You are going to encounter it throughout your life in the game. For those looking to collect more of it, try destroying certain elements of the environment in the file you are playing in or start exploring a bit more. You may run out of it if you browse through a file too quickly.
The only item you don't want to sell is under the "Salvage" category is cat food. Cat food is an essential part of feeding your cats or persuading a parasite to come home with you. As such, you won't want to part with this item again, even if it is in the unwanted items section of your inventory.
Beyond the cat food, be sure to give your all.