You encounter various Pokémon in Pokémon Go as you explore the world and find them in the wild. Animated creatures appear on your mobile device and you have to use your Poké Balls to capture them, throwing them into a ring to add them to your collection. There are also Legendary Pokémon available, but these are much more difficult to capture. You usually run into them on five star raids and usually need other trainers to take them down. Once the raid is over, you have a chance to capture them using the raid-specific Premier Bullets, but even then it's not guaranteed.
Legendary Pokémon come in and out of these five-star raids. Because they spin so often, it can be a bit tricky to keep them all in place.
All Legendary Pokémon
Here are all of the Legendary Pokémon you can find in the mobile game. These are certainly not all of the Legendaries that you can find in standard Pokémon games, but Pokémon Go regularly catches up.
- Articuno
- Celebi
- Cobalion
- Cresselia
- Darkrai
- Deoxys (all forms)
- Entei
- Genesect
- Giratina (all forms)
- Salt
- Heatran
- Ho-oh
- Jirachi
- Kyurem
- Landorus
- Latias
- Latios
- Lugia
- Melmetal
- Meltan
- Meow
- Mewtwo
- Moltres
- Palkia
- Raikou
- Rayquaza
- Regice
- Regigigas
- Regirock
- Registeel
- Reshiram
- Suicune
- Terracion
- Thundurus
- Tornado
- Victini
- Virizion
- Zapdos
- Zekrom
A handful of them, such as Victini, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, and Meltan, are only available through special searches. Some of the newer ones, such as Regigigas and Genesect, were initially available through special tickets that you had to purchase using real-world currency, but released in five-star raids months later for every Pokémon trainer to capture.