Alisia Dragoon it's a platform game genre developed by Game arts in collaboration with Gainax in 1992 for the 16-bit console Sega Mega Drive/ Genesis.
The plot of the videogame is the following: Alisia is the daughter of a wizard murdered by the evil Baldour. The girl, a skilled warrior, must not only avenge the death of her parent but also defend the Earth. The levels of Alisia Dragoon are eight, at the end of each of which you must face a end level boss.
The character used by the player has only one type of attack but has the option of invoke one of the 4 dragons, in turn capable of hitting enemies with devastating attacks.
Disseminated in the various levels we find various types of power-ups: for example temporary invincibility, potions that restore hit points and much more. In Alisia Dragoon you can choose between two difficulty levels and 4 predefined key configurations.
When the SEGA logo disappears, press and hold the A key until the Game Arts logo also disappears. Now hold B until Gainax disappears. Press C until Music Composed By disappears and finally press START when the stars erupt from the crystal. At this point, during gameplay, enter the following codes:
Press A on Controller 2 - the screen should go black, so press the monster select button on Controller 1 and B on Controller 2 to gain immortality.
Press A on Controller 2 - the screen should go black, so press RIGHT on Controller 1 and B on Controller 2 to level up enemies.
Press C on Controller 2: the screen should go black. Do not press anything for a few seconds and you will move to the next screen.