Wow Classic, 15, has gone on an epic journey, to the delight of many fans. If you've had a taste of the new old game, you know the community is back! However, you've probably also tasted the issues on queue launch day… if we mean by day, we count seven days. But that doesn't seem to bother people, and things are even improving on that front.
What WoW Classic brings is an authentic experience of the most complete version of the game, 1.13.2, of course with some modern tweaks. And we have to admit that we are grateful to Blizzard for choosing to add layers on the same server. Waiting to kill a single Mafia boss with 30 people isn't fun, so the layering has improved a lot, while still retaining the original Vanilla experience, as it's still a bit crowded with each quest. Now we see people banding together to do simple quests, not to mention Mafia bosses, and low level dungeons actually require you to know the tactics and use your character to the best of your ability.
Over the past 15 years, as the retail version has evolved, developers have tried to support a larger audience and keep abreast of ever-growing innovations in the gaming industry. This involved moving the game so that it demanded less and less from the player. But it quickly escalated and turned the game into a big chore and nothing more.
And, now, by removing all of those "conveniences", we're back to the game soundly, like it was back to vanilla, and the feeling is epic! Everything you do in the game requires your attention, and that doesn't make it difficult or exhausting, but makes WoW Classic one of the most rewarding experiences in the game right now, dare we dare. Every group you kill, every res