Did you know that you don't always have to go crazy between various parameters and selections or use third-party programs to search effectively and with specific criteria file in Windows? With some tricks it is possible, without relying on other tools, to get exactly what you want simply thanks to the Explorer.
Preliminary information
We always recommend doing an installation through one 100% genuine and original license, this is to avoid data loss or hacker attacks. We are aware that purchasing a license on the Microsoft store has a high cost. For this we have selected for you Mr Key Shop, a reliable site with free assistance specialized in in your language, secure payments and shipping in seconds via email. You can check the reliability of this site by reading the many positive verified reviews. Windows 7 licenses are available on this store at very advantageous prices. Furthermore, if you want to upgrade to the latest versions of Windows operating systems, you can also purchase the upgrade to Windows 10. We remind you that if you have a genuine version of Windows 10, the upgrade to the new Windows 11 operating system will be free. Also on the store you can buy the various versions of Windows operating systems, Office packages and the best antivirus on the market.
Preliminary information
We always recommend doing an installation through one 100% genuine and original license, this is to avoid data loss or hacker attacks. We are aware that purchasing a license on the Microsoft store has a high cost. For this we have selected for you Mr Key Shop, a reliable site with free assistance specialized in in your language, secure payments and shipping in seconds via email. You can check the reliability of this site by reading the many positive verified reviews. Windows 10 licenses are available on this store at very advantageous prices. Furthermore, if you want to upgrade to the latest versions of Windows operating systems, you can also purchase the upgrade to Windows 11. We remind you that if you have a genuine version of Windows 10, the upgrade to the new Windows 11 operating system will be free. Also on the store you can buy the various versions of Windows operating systems, Office packages and the best antivirus on the market.
These "tricks" are called filters and, although they are suggested by Windows every time you access the small search field of Explorer, they are often ignored by users although they may turn out to be particularly useful.
Filters are usable in all operating systems starting from Windows Vista (10 included) and they work, as we'll see later, regardless of whether or not the files are indexed. This is a very similar mechanism to the one used by Cortana.
Filters for search in Windows
Using one or more filters is very simple: that's enough open any Windows Explorer window o in the position from which you want to start searching if you intend to carry out a targeted search (for example disk C :) and click on the appropriate search box at the top right.
It will be right there that we will specify our filters: just write filter name: (without trailing space) to obtain the selection parameters available to refine our search. Among the most important filters we highlight:
type: e typology: - allow respectively to specify the extension (for example: xml) and the type (for example: Document) of the file to be searched;
dimension: - allows you to specify the size of the file, either by defining it numerically (for example: size: 128MB) or by choosing one of the predefined parameters from the drop-down menu.
creation date: - allows you to view created on a date or in a range of dates:
last edit: - allows you to view files modified on a date or in a range of dates:
name: - trivially, it allows you to indicate the name of the file:
dataacquisizione: - allows you to specify the date or range of dates, especially for photos, in which the searched image was acquired;
These are the most important filters that can help you further refine your search; it must be said that not all filters are compatible with the file types (for example acquisition date will only apply to photos) and that is It is possible to combine multiple filters with each other to further refine the search. For example, if we look for all the files created in the last month and which have a size equal to or greater than 128MB, we will write:
datacreation: beginning of the month size: huge
Filters can be used for either instant indexing or fixed-path search or system-wide search (just hit enter after specifying all the parameters).
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