The Windows 10 clock is a habit that few of us would be able to give up; although it is there, silently, ready to let us know the current time at any time, even this small but now indispensable component has its own nice margin of customization.
Preliminary information
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After seeing how to add more time zones and how to move it to the far right on the Windows 10 bar, today we will find out how show the seconds in the Windows 10 clock. This is a small gem that is particularly useful if, for example, we need to count a certain number of seconds several times during the day but we are too lazy to open a timer.
To show the seconds on the Windows 10 clock you will need to make a change to the registry; although this is relatively harmless, it is always good to create a backup of the registry to restore in case something goes wrong.
Show the seconds in the Windows 10 clock
We press the key combination WIN + R and type the command inside it
followed by Enter. From the left side of the register window that will appear, we navigate in
and left click right on Advanced. Now in the right part of the window we seek value
If this is not present then we will have to create it manually: click with the right mouse button on Advanced and select New> DWORD Value (32-bit).
Let's give the newly created value its name
Once the value has been created (or if this was already present) we do double click on it to edit it. We insert 1 in the value data field, then we give OK to confirm.
At this point we restart the computer: at the next access we will notice the appearance of the seconds on the Windows clock!
Canceling the change is possible and just as simple: just repeat the procedure and enter in the field Value data digit 0 (zero), then restart the computer.
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