Porting Horizon Zero Dawn from PlayStation 4 to PC hasn't gone smoothly for gamers. Many of them encountered various graphics issues like texture issues, character hair issues, glitches, bugs, and crashes. While several critics have hailed the return of the PlayStation 2017 title, the PC port has not done it justice. For those who have faced the problem after their game has crashed, there is something there is to do, but it is not a guaranteed solution.
Some players on Reddit have discussed how they need to update their drivers first. Make sure that all of the recent information is installed on your drivers and that all updates are ready to use. After that, go to your settings and turn off the 16x anisotropic filtering setting. Disabling seems to work for a handful of players and keep them from crashing. Play around with the settings on your end to see if you can't remove the load from the game to keep it from folding back to your desktop. You can also turn off your Steam overlay to see if that helps resolve your graphics issues.
Beyond messing around with your settings and making sure you don't have other apps running in the background, there's not much you can do. Gamers with modern computer hardware have encountered problems when they shouldn't. These issues are not a matter of attempting to reinstall the game, but it is the third party company that properly plugs the game in to make it a successful port. The problems have not happened to everyone, but those who do have said that it makes them have an unplayable experience. The best thing to do is to wait for Guerrilla Games to apply some fixes and fix the issues.