You can find a Science Lab at the Foot of the Oak Tree in Grounded by completing the main game story quest. After this mission, you are free to move around and explore the rest of the game, with additional content. released by developer Obsidian Entertainment later. For those who have explored enough, there is another research lab that you can find in the game hidden in the hedges.
Where is the hedge research base?
You can find it stuck in the middle of the hedges closer to the most southeastern point on the map. It's high off the ground, so you want to be somewhere in the branches of the hedge to get on it. A great place to make this easier for you is to visit the field station in the hedge to the south of the map.

You want to head to the southern part of the hedges to find the field station hidden above in the hedge branches. There aren't many Orb Weavers nearby, so try to reach higher ground before they eat you. After that, start to progress east through the hedge, climb through the branches and grab any berries you can find along the way. A good halfway marker is the Flingman Flying Frisbee stuck in the hedge. Unfortunately, there are a lot of spiders on it. Cross it to the other side, or they will eat you up and hamper your progress.
Continuing on the path, you should spot the large base of the tree closer to the northern section of the eastern edge. It's a big ship, right in the middle of the hedges, and a little hard to miss. You have to be careful as there appear to be orb weavers on the ground and inside the ship, so take your time to explore the best route to get into it. There appears to be an open port on the other side of the base. Unfortunately, when they try to access the doors, they say locked.
We don't know if there is a way to open it right now, or if it will open in the future when Obsidian releases additional content for Founded. It might reserve us a new adventure or even new crafting recipes that we could bring back to our camp where we can become even more formidable in this miniature environment.