Creating new food is vital in Genshin Impact. You need it to level up your party members, heal them, or revive them if they fall in battle. When you start the game you start with a handful of recipes and learn a few along the way as you complete the story missions. However, there are many recipes out there and they are extremely useful to find. But the game doesn't immediately indicate where you can learn them, so you should do everything you can to find out more. One of these recipes is the Almond Tofu Recipe.
You can find the recipe outdoors rather than talking to someone to teach you about it at Wangshu Inn in Liyrue area. Go to the hostel and go inside. Be on the lookout for an individual named Smiley Yanxiao, a chef who works at the inn.

Try to go to the area downstairs where Smiley is located and locate the room full of fresh vegetables, meats, fish, and various foods that could be served at the inn. There will be survey points everywhere. Go to the left side and you should find the Almond Tofu Recipe in the corner.

Once you have the recipe, locate it in your inventory under the Valuables tab. Click on it and you will immediately learn how to craft it. The recipe requires three milk, one sugar and one almond. When consumed, it increases all attacks of all members of your party from 66 to 95 for 300 seconds.