Telegram becomes the users' refuge in escape from WhatsApp and its new privacy policy. In just 3 days it registered a surge of 25 million new users, thus exceeding i 500 millions of active users around the world and thanked the choice with a welcome message for everyone.
Always an eternal rival of WhatsApp, this time the Facebook app seems to have prompted many users to download Telegram. The reason is in the new privacy policy that from February 8th will share more user data with Facebook, an update of the terms of service that not everyone has liked. The new way of sharing data from WhatsApp, however, it will not affect citizens of the European Union, whose privacy is protected by GDPR in force. Although European users are not involved, many have still downloaded Telegram, choosing it as a replacement for the chat owned by Mark Zuckerberg.
Telegram recovers 25 million users in 3 days
In just 72 hours Telegram registered another 25 million users. This is the milestone also celebrated by Pavel Durov, its founder, who is careful not to mention WhatsApp or link his new hit to users' escape from Mark Zuckerberg's rival app.
Behind the great escape from WhatsApp, needless to deny it, there are fears for new privacy policy which will come into force on February 8th, which provides for new conditions and methods for sharing user data with Facebook, the social network that purchased the messaging app several years ago.
For this reason Telegram, according to its founder, has become the "greatest refuge"for all those users who are looking for a communication platform that is private and secure, and that does not ask for sensitive data in exchange or threaten their privacy. One of the characteristics that have made Telegram famous, in fact, is the refusal of the founders to collaborate with any authority and to hand over the encryption keys of the messages, so much so that it is frowned upon by some governments.
Telegram, the message to its users
Users of Telegram these days they are receiving a message celebrating the new record of 500 million active users and offers insights into all the functions that the app makes available to them. For those who use the chat, in the Telegram channel that sends the Service Notifications, it will be possible to read this message: “Telegram has exceeded 500 million active users. In the last 72 hours alone, more than 25 million new users from all over the world have joined Telegram. Thank you! These achievements have become possible thanks to users like you who have invited their friends to Telegram. If you have contacts who have joined in the last few days, you can welcome them using one of Telegram's unique features, such as animated stickers or video messages. To find out more about Telegram's features, take a look at https://t.me/TelegramTips “.
The migration from WhatsApp to Telegram continues and does not only concern non-European users. Although in Europe the presence of the GDPR cancels the effects of the new privacy policy, more and more people prefer Durov's chat to Zuckerberg's, and the new numbers registered in these days are proof of this.
Where does those who run away from WhatsApp go