Destiny 2: New Light has been out for most of this week. En route, Bungie released a few hiccups. Shadowkeep the same day and uploaded their product to Steam. When they were posted they had a few errors and several issues, but it looks like things have calmed down. Servers are steadily rising and players have been flipping through the latest content. As players start to get a stronger light level, they want to know when they can try their hand at the first raid.
When is the new Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Raid available?
While we don't know too many details about the Shadowkeep raid, Garden of Salvation, we do know that it is slated for release on October 5. Players won't have to wait too long to attempt to complete the many challenges that await them behind this extremely terrifying door. The release is scheduled for October 5 at 10 a.m. PT. When it goes live, players from all over the world will be rushing there to see if they can succeed in any way and scale it down to be the first to complete.
Do you think you are ready? Bungie believes players need to be at least in light 920 before they can enter it. After you've played a handful of Bungie raids, this level will be a decent mark, but you'll want to aim higher. In reality, you're going to want to try light level 930 or 935 to keep your head above water. However, if your teammates are willing to come with you at 9am, nothing will stop them.
What are the rewards for doing so? Well, Destiny 2 is all about the loot. The latest raid will offer players a new exclusive chance to get their hands on the new armor and weapons available in the game. Check out the respective armor for each class below.
Right now, beyond knowing that the Vex are involved, and you can see the armor vaguely resembles Vex's, we're not quite sure. When the doors open on October 5 at 10 a.m. PT, you can expect plenty of players to jump in and try their luck. The race will then be on and we will know who will be the first to finish it soon. It could take the whole weekend.
Check out the raid trailer below and good luck in Destiny 2 expansion, Shadowkeep, Guardians.