One of the most interesting aspects of Crusader King 3 is how land ownership works. Your kingdom is everything you own, including lands and titles, including areas held by your vassals.
Your domain, on the other hand, is the total of your own personal holdings. The domain limit is the maximum number of securities that you can own yourself, and this is influenced by a few factors.
Stewardship competence
The Stewardship skill improves your ability to rule and manage your estates. This will increase your tax income and is definitely something you should be working on with every character. You can earn one Domain Limit Point for every 5 points in the Stewardship Lifestyle.
Inheritance law
The law of success dictates what happens to titles when you die. This can be very difficult to change in the game and will require a lot of authority from the Crown. At the start of the game your land will be divided among all eligible children and the game will automatically create titles for them based on their inheritance. The oldest child will normally get the best part of the kingdom.
Main Title
Your main title is the highest ranked title and determines your coat of arms and the name of your kingdom. The higher the better.
If you own too many farms, it can affect how people think you are and how you earn through taxes because you are seen as greedy. If you are nearing your domain limit, you can use Titles to turn other characters into your vassals by clicking on them and selecting Grant Title.
This means that they can then take care of some of your holdings, allowing you to maintain control and income without affecting your domain limit. It is very important to make your vassals think of you well, as they may try to run you down or just murder you in your sleep. So, properly allocating land and title will make them very happy, and you will still be able to enjoy the land through taxes and levies.