Unlock the Archwing Slingshot at Rank 3 Gunnery and make it deadlier at Rank 4.
As a new Railjack crew member, you will not be able to use the Archwing Slingshot until you have accumulated intrinsic points. Fortunately, it will only take seven points to unlock the Slingshot, and fifteen in total if you want to bring its power to the fullest.
At Rank 3 Gunnery, you can use the Slingshot, and it's located on the upper deck of the main cabin, aft (behind the running engine). Head inside and press the prompt to enter. Alternatively, you can enter the Slingshot outside of the Railjack: just fly up and press the prompt (it's the giant tube at the top). From there, you'll have a first-person view to aim at you, although the angle of attack is rather limited. You can coordinate with your pilot or wait for him to turn the ship where you want to go.
Any target you want to shoot at will be highlighted with yellow arrows once you've aligned your reticle to them, and all you need to do is click your fire button to propel yourself forward. If you just use the Slingshot to get deeper into enemy space, you can hold down the fire button to launch yourself where you're aiming (great for boarding enemy stations).
At Rank 4 Gunnery, the Slingshot transforms from a long-distance travel cannon to a deadly Tenno delivery service. At this rank, you will either physically crash into enemy crews or run into and destroy enemy fighters. Yes, you can use the Slingshot to get on board and quickly blast crews, and with Tactical Rank 4 you can use your Omni to go back to the Railjack and charge into the barrel again. If you want to extend your Slingshot range, then drop points in Gunnery Intrinsic to unlock Rank 7 which adds 50% to your range.
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