How to upgrade your Workbench in Valheim
To upgrade your countertop in Valheim, you need to place specific objects next to it. Certain items will increase the level of the workbench when placed nearby and unlock new crafting recipes depending on the item. You have to unlock the recipe for each upgrade before you can build them, and you will be able to build them with the hammer like most other items. Here are all of the Workbench upgrades in Valheim and how to get them.
- Log: Unlocked by collecting flint
- Tanning support: Unlocked by killing a deer
- Adze: Unlocked after creating Bronze Nails and collecting Fine Wood
Once you unlock the recipe for a Workshop Upgrade, you can build it using the Hammer. The chopping block and tanning stand are relatively easy to unlock. Flint is one of the first rare resources you'll be looking for at the start of the game, and killing a deer is one of the first major objectives you're given. Flint is typically found along rivers and near water bodies, and deer can be found in forests. The materials needed to craft the first two Workshop upgrades are fairly common, so you shouldn't have a problem acquiring them.
For Adze, you'll have to wait until you've made a fair amount of progress in the game. Fine wood can be harvested from birch trees, so explore the nearby forests for some. Bronze nails are a bit harder to find. You first need to smelt bronze ingots using a forge, which requires a lot of copper and tin. Once you have crafted Bronze Nails and collected Precious Wood for the first time, the Hermomer Recipe will be unlocked.
To upgrade your countertop, all you need to do is place one of the three upgrade items nearby. There's no exact range, but upgrades should work as long as you place the necessary items within a few feet of the workbench. You can determine the level of your workshop by interacting with it and checking the star number on the right side of the screen above the list of crafting recipes. You should also see a pop-up notification on the left side of the screen that says "New Station Level" when upgrading the Workshop.
Valheim is now available on PC. The game is currently in Early Access on Steam and will remain in Early Access for at least a year. For more Valheim tips, check out our list of the best Valheim seeds.