There's a lot of flora in the game's huge biomes, but there are some farmable items (like these, the trees mentioned earlier) that you just can't figure out why you can't pick them just yet. Using your trusty ax doesn't seem to work, and the reason is pretty straightforward.
Craft a bronze ax to start collecting precious wood.
If you start hitting birches and oaks with your Rusty Ax, you will receive a pop-up message that says: " Too hard". The moment this appears, you understand that something is wrong here. And to fix it you will need to create a Bronze ax, which allows you to fell these sturdy trees.
Getting a Bronze Ax isn't that hard, but you have to move forward first The Bronze Age. In order to get bronze to do so, you need to collect Copper ores et Tin ores. These two materials can be found in the Black Forest biome in veins and banks, using a Pickaxe. Then, if you haven't already done so, you need to create two very important structures, the Oven and Foundry.
Throw your wood in the oven, in order to make charcoal, then use this charcoal to feed your foundry. Put your ores in it and they will be turned into ingots. Using your collected tin and molten copper into one To forge, you can combine them into Bronze, which is the main ingredient in our formidable ax. The following items are required to create one:
- 8 Bronze
- 4 Wood
- 2 pieces of leather
If you're too impatient to wait for these ingredients to cook, take a look here to see how you can speed up this process.
There you are, now you are a proud owner of a bronze ax, ready to chop down birches and oaks and gather as much as the fine wood you need. There is a certain method that allows you to get Fine Wood much sooner than this if you are ready to give it a try, so feel free to check it out in our article here.
Valheim is now available via Steam Early Access.