And there are ways to keep them out forever. Using a few smart tricks, gamers have found some great ways to make your home completely safe. By building deadly particles or building in places you wouldn't expect, you can make your base monster-proof. Here are some simple methods.
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Use unbreakable items to protect your base
Unbreakable items are a great way to create a secure base. By placing a beam over a runestone or swamp tree, you can easily build your house high enough to stay out of range of enemy attack. Just be sure to make a little space on your stairs - enemies can't jump! You can, so use this to your advantage.
Obviously, you can also use a lot of stone to create a giant rock foundation. Trolls can still crush them, but they don't specifically target your foundations. They will only break the stone floor if you stand nearby while it attacks.
Use swamp water to create a killer clod
The swamp water is full of killer leeches that don't just hurt you - they'll hurt your enemies too. To surround your house with killer water, simply dig a hole all around your base just outside of a swamp biome. Keep your base (and mote) away from swamp water.
When your mote is finished, you can dig a ditch leading to the swamp water. Once swamp water hits normal water, leeches spread. You will just need a bridge to cross the straw. Like the raised house on an unbreakable object, you will need to create a small space in your deck so that the monsters cannot attack.