If you want to complete 100% Paper Mario The Origami King, or if you just want to know what the special price of Ninja Attraction is, sooner or later you will have to find all 25 Ninja Toads in House of Tricks. But where are they?
Well, to help you out, we're going to divide it into zones. Starting with the first.
The first area, the entrance, has only one toad in the upper right corner. You find it when you hit it with a hammer to move on to the next one. You then enter a corridor without toads.
In the third area, there are a total of 7 ninja toads to find. One is in the paper lantern, another is hidden in the sand in the center with two findable in the drawers at the back right. One is hidden in the chest while another is in the door to the left. The last is located at the back by pulling the rope.
In the fourth area there are a total of 4 toads to find. Three are located under whiteboards to the right of the room while the other can be found by pulling a rope at the top right behind the hidden panel.
There are no toads in the fifth section in the open area, so head to the sixth area where the spikes go through the ground. There are five Ninja Toads here, four in spikes that can be found by forcing them out of the ground, and one in the left back room that drops the ladders. It can be hit with a hammer.
Climb the ladder to the seventh section where there are 2 toads to find. The first can be found hidden in a different colored floor on the left side of the room, hit it with the hammer, while the other is in a chest on the lower right.
The last 2 toads are then in the eighth section. One behind the door where you enter and one in a drawer cabinet that forms the staircase leading to the exit.
Find them all and you will have found the 25 toads you need to get your special reward!