The Battle of Olympus it's a adventure video game produced for NES in 1988 by Imagineer and Infinity and distributed by Brøderbund in Europe in 1991.
The title leaves little room for imagination: the game is based on greek mythology and the setting of the gameplay reminiscent of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. It is possible to recognize similarities with other famous video games, including the first Castlevania developed for Nintendo Entertainment System, the legendary 8-bit console of the Japanese company. In The Battle of Olympus the player plays the role of Orpheus, who loves the beautiful Elena (names that can however be freely changed at the beginning of the game).
The young woman, after being bitten by a poisonous snake, turns into a stone statue. Pitying this story, the goddess Aphrodite reveals to Orpheus that Helen is still alive but in the hands of the god of the underworld, Hades. Orpheus therefore leaves for an incredible adventure that will lead him to touch the most remote corners of Greece and to meet the gods of Olympus and numerous mythological creatures, one more frightening than the other. If you are stuck in some level that you just can't pass, or can't defeat a boss that is too difficult, you can rely on the passwords found below.
X0Cd7k FkbCgRm d0rAyD 4XMq9NM Arcadia
f0KV! 6 tsDqYJe l8zIKr S9kSnls Argolis
j0GR3g BgX8kVq Zyn609 8TQm5Zc Attica
P0aFlM 7cTaI3u VOD245 CPUi1VM Crete
r0upRY JIfG6tC BaPkOn W5oOjxc Hades
H0SNt? VUryQB0 NG5wiT qn64P7s Laconia
L0OJx2 po9mcNi h4vEuH 0bIuDRc Peloponnesus
50e3hI 3YPWM7y RK9? EX mr28TB6 Phrygia
T0WBpw RQnuUF4 JC1smP ujA0LJ6 Phthia
10i7dE lE5iAxG 7WLgSj a1sKftM Tartarus 1
D0mxZA hA1eE! K 3SHcWf ezwGb3c Tartarus 2
90q! Vc NMjK2p8 FeToqL yfEyHFs Tartarus 3
Face the Minotaur without picking up the Key and the Second Fragment of Love. Enter the room of the Minotaur in Crete and stand with your back against the wall: let the enemy hit you and you will go through the wall. You can now face the Minotaur and earn the third fragment.
The Battle of Olympus - NES