In Super Mario Galaxy 2 , exactly as in the first chapter, the unlocking of the various areas is linked to specific objects, i.e. the stars. Within the game these stars are as many as two hundred and forty (plus two bonuses), a first half called Superstars and collect during his first adventure between the various galaxies of the six worlds of Super Mario Galaxy 2 and the remaining half simply called stars and although the last one is not necessary for the collection of green stars, these can be taken indiscriminately by Mario or Luigi but only after concluding a first time the story and collect all 120 gold stars. In this way a special comet star will pass over all the galaxies filling them with one hundred and twenty green stars that can be collected by repeating from the beginning our path between the galaxies of the six worlds.
Within each world, composed of a total of seven galaxies each, there are always the same number of Superstars, three for the first four galaxies and two in the remaining three (the green stars will be present in equal number, for each galaxy, but in obviously different positions). Each seventh galaxy also has a Megastell controlled by Bowser or his son, an object that will be necessary to unlock the next world. The account obviously lacks Superstars, this will be unlockable only by collecting the Comet Medals, one for each galaxy that will unlock the seventh World called Special. Once collected all the stars, both gold and green, we will unlock the Legendary Galaxy, the last galaxy of the seventh world, a unique and very complicated galaxy whose completion will allow us to finish 100% all the objectives within Super Mario Galaxy 2 .
Within this guide we will provide you with information and details on where all the Superstars and green stars in each individual galaxy are located, plus the positions of the comet medals needed to unlock the Seventh World and the Legendary Galaxy.
SUSPENSION ISLAND GALAXY (WORLD 01) - Superstars: 3 (3 out of 120) - GREEN: 3 (3 out of 120)
Superstars: The first Superstar ever for this game we'll get it at the end of the fight against the first of the bosses Super Mario Galaxy 2 , Babydino Piranha. The second star is located in the second part of the Galaxy, the Bullets in the Skies level, and is stored inside a dome that needs a key held by an Iracondo Piranha Rovo in the outermost area of the planetoid to be opened. The third and last Superstar is linked to the Comet that will test us on Discolone on Pianetino in a time trial. We will start with twenty seconds available and along the way we will find here and the green clocks that will allow us to add 10 seconds to the total time at our disposal.
Comet Medal: The comet medal is located in the first phase of the Galaxy, i.e. Discolone on Pianetino. After using the second Maxistella Launch we will find ourselves on a cylindrical planet on which four large stone carts rotate. We jump aboard one of the two close to the third Maxistella Launch and when the cart is in the upper area of the planetoid we make a jump to collect the medal.
Green Stars: The first green star is located on a wall of the big building, just split the dome on the opposite side of the planet to reach the roof and from there jump on the star. The second green star is located at the top of the second planetoid, where we will find the second Maxistella launch - to pick up the green star we just need to jump towards it. The third and last green star is located above the Girotrasporto located in the middle of the planetoid, all we need to do is reach the side edges and from there make a long jump.
YOSHI ISLAND GALAXY (WORLD 01) - Superstars: 3 (6 out of 120) - GREEN: 3 (6 out of 120)
Superstars: The first and second Superstars of this galaxy are at the end of the two stages of the game, Yoshi in captivity and Koopistrici not to Finish - the first is locked inside a crystal that we must destroy, the second will be released by King Lakitu, the boss of this galaxy. The third Superstar is finally linked to the usual comet that will activate a challenge. In this case we will have one minute to eliminate thirty Koopistrici all placed on the first planetoid, the one in which we released Yoshi from Kamek. Thanks to the presence of five stars Iris the thing will not be impossible, the important thing is to always run as fast as possible and check the position of the enemies so as to describe on foot the shortest way with the largest number of enemies that can be eliminated.
Comet medal: After releasing Yoshi from the Kamek, in front of us we can see a green column with a platform with springs at its feet. At the top of this column is the medal that interests us, to be collected using Yoshi's skills of course.
Green stars: The first green star is next to the column where the comet medal is located, so just reach this area again to collect it. The second one is on an overhang to the right of the giant fruit that will make the Maxistella Lancio appear - right at the foot of the volcano - while the third and last green star is on the opposite side to the position of the first Superstar.
GALASSIA TROTTOLINA (WORLD 01) - Superstars: 3 (9 SU 120) - GREEN: 3 (9 SU 120)
Superstars: The first Superstar in the galaxy will be delivered directly by its boss, the big robot Lanciatrivella that keeps the star inside a dome at the bottom of its body. The second Superstar is located in the flat planetoid of the second level, Silver Star to Dig and has been broken into five parts marked as five different silver stars. Once we have collected the five silver stars, we will get our second Superstar. The third Superstar is as usual directly connected to Comets that activate special challenges, in this particular case the challenge we'll be forced to take on is beating the drill boss by having a single energy clove - so there's no time limit, but you only need to take a single hit to have to start over from the beginning.
Comet Medal: The comet medal of this galaxy is located in the first level, Spinning tops and Augers and to be exact next to a column of the second planetoid we will visit. After reaching it we collect the Spinning Top and use it on the small low base next to the two columns to reach the top of another column on the opposite side of the planet. From here we reach the opposite column and continue drilling until we reach the highest of the columns to jump on the one next to it and then jump on the comet medal.
Green stars: The first two green stars are located in the first level of the galaxy, the first in mid-air on the railing of the second planetoid, the one with the tall columns. The second one is on the third planetoid, in mid-air just before the third Maxistella launch next to the retractable platform - to pick it up you will need a high jump with pirouette attached or you will never reach the right height. The third and last green star is finally in the second level of the galaxy, inside the second planetoid in the middle of the second chamber with the soft ground to be drilled.
CLOUD GALAXY BATUFFLE (WORLD 01) - Superstars: 3 (12 SU 120) - GREEN: 3 (12 SU 120)
Superstars: The first of the three superstars is located on top of the third planetoid preserved for the occasion by the Slumdog Monkey who will present himself to us for the first time. In order to reach it, we'll have to jump on the cloud platforms and also use the power of Cloud Mario to create intermediate platforms among those already present. The second star is located at the top of a pointy tower in the homonymous level, "Pointed Tower" of the galaxy, planetoid that will unlock only by feeding a Sfavilotto at the top of the tree of the first planetoid with 100 coins (which is very feasible since there are more and more challenges for the conquest of coins in the galaxy). The third and last Superstar will finally be available only after being invited by the Loitering Monkey to the challenge. To win it we'll need to collect 10,000 points in no more than 120 seconds - each enemy eliminated and coin collected will give you 100 points, while the Star Splatters 10. By chaining attacks on enemies, you'll gain chain bonuses that will give you more points instead of just 100.
Comet Medal: The comet medal of this galaxy is located on the second planetoid, the round one where we will have to go to create the Maxistella launch collecting the five pieces scattered around the planet. The medal is located in mid-air, in the center of the planet between the two green areas and to collect it as usual will require a very high jump - somersault backwards and pirouette.
Green Stars: The three green stars of the galaxy are all located within the first level, the first one above the point where we landed, but so high that you will need to reach the mushroom cloud above the buildings and from there perform continuous backward somersaults creating intermediate clouds to reach the star. The second green star is above the building with the mushroom cloud on the roof of the buildings, but to recover it we will have to reach the intermediate platforms on the right and from there perform jumps to reach the target. The third and last green star of the galaxy is finally located on the last planetoid, on the left of the highest peak of the second tree and as for the previous stars, we will have to use the power of the cloud mushroom to reach it.
SALTESCAMBIA GALAXY (WORLD 01) - Superstars: 2 (14 out of 120) - GREEN: 2 (14 out of 120)
Superstars: Only two stars for the fifth galaxy of the first world, the first one is obviously the one present at the end of the level, quietly positioned on the last solid platform at the end of all the way with red and blue panels. The second is instead connected to a comet that will launch 100 purple coins on the galaxy that we'll have to recover in order to get our second Superstar - you need to collect all 100 coins and to do so we'll only have three minutes.
Comet Medal: The comet medal is located in the second part of the galaxy, just before the last solid platform before we reach the Superstar. In order to collect the medal we'll have to pirouette the panels so that we can get the Categnacci out of the way, then we jump from the solid platform with a long jump forward to collect the medal.
Green stars: The two green stars of the galaxy are located well divided in the two areas of the galaxy. The first is located high above the series of red panels positioned just after the solid platform after the start - the one in the middle between the start and the Maxistella launch. The second green star is located between the second and third solid platform after the Maxistella star. It is also on top of a series of red panels and the way to get them is the same for both: jump backwards and pirouette to climb even higher.
GALASSIA ATTRACTION (WORLD 01) - Superstars: 2 (16 SU 120) - GREEN: 2 (16 SU 120)
Superstars: The first Superstar of Galaxy attraction is located at the end of the level, simply by collecting it from the blue gravity zone. The second Superstar instead is delivered Gearmo, a robo-sweeper that we can reach by reversing the gravity at the beginning of the chapter and entering inside the green tube. The challenge to which we will be subjected consists in the destruction of about twenty crates in about twenty seconds through the use of the Fire Flower. In order to destroy the crates in time it is necessary to perform launches in such a way as to destroy more than one crate at a time. Once the challenge is successfully completed, Gearmo will deliver us the second Superstar of Galaxy Attraction.
Comet Medal: The comet medal of this galaxy is located between the two Twomp places just before the third Superstar launch. To collect it simply use the Twomp's flanks as walls from which to jump left and right to reach the medal.
Green stars: The first of the two green stars is located as always in mid-air at the point where the setting changes from the internal areas of variable gravity to the outside with the short garden that leads straight to the second of the variable gravity areas. The second star is finally located just before the Superstar, in the red gravity zone after passing the six Twomp positioned next to each other.
BOWSER JR. TOWER GALAXY. (WORLD 01) - Superstars: 2 (18 SU 120) - GREEN: 2 (18 SU 120)
Superstars: Final galaxy of the first world with Superstar which is actually the Megastella that you will get once you beat the boss of the place, Buzzodragon kindly sent us by Bowser Jr. The second Superstar is instead connected to a comet challenge and it's a repetition of the battle against Buzzodrago where the difficulty level is given by a timer, in fact in just two minutes we'll have to defeat the boss - fortunately we'll be transported directly to Buzzodrago's planetoid, without being forced to repeat all the way from the beginning of the galaxy.
Comet Medal: The comet medal of this seventh galaxy is on top of the Twomp on the ship's deck. To pick it up you have to perform a backwards somersault from the square on the right to reach the head of the Twomp and from there, when the enemy is at the top of its height, perform a high jump with pirouette to pick up the medal.
Green stars: The first star in this galaxy requires as a start the same work performed to reach the comet medal. Once the Twomp is at its maximum height, we make a jump towards the wall of the castle and from here we continue on the left until we reach the battlements of the Torrione on the left where the first star is located. The second star is simpler, however, before reaching the Megastella launch to reach the boss, we perform a jump into the void of space behind the Megastella and with the turn in mid-air thanks to gravity we will reach the second star.
This concludes the first of the six worlds - without of course considering the presence of the seventh. The maximum number of Superstars and green stars that can be conquered is 18 out of 120, while the Medals are obviously seven at most.
GALASSIA INCASTRO (WORLD 02) - Superstars: 3 (21 SU 120) - GREEN: 3 (21 SU 120)
Superstars: The first two Superstars are connected to the first level of the galaxy. The basic Superstar we'll get it after we put the wooden puzzle together and beat the two Scarafetors, while the second is connected to a comet that will create a room with 100 purple coins inside it that will have to be collected in less than a minute - with a large amount of Duplimario that will complicate the task. The third and last Superstar instead is linked to the Galaxy's boss in the second level, Scaraboom. Once we beat the boss, we get our third Superstar.
Comet Medal: The Comet Medal is located on a small axis to the left in the long stretch where the circular saws will come to life cutting our way to the new Launch Mega-Star. To pick it up we run forward, jump to the left and as soon as we hit the ground we perform a backwards somersault to avoid falling down together with the axis cut by the saw.
Green Stars: The first green star is on the first of the planetoids, all we need to do is crash into the wooden block on the side to raise the one in the center of the planet and then do a somersault with pirouette to reach the star. The second one is in the block with the circular saws, exactly on the oblique wood that takes us from the lower to the upper area - to reach the star we run on this axis and just before it ends we do a backwards somersault with pirouette. The third and last Green Star is finally suspended under the boards and we jump on the star as soon as the board is within reach.
RAPID SUSPENSIVE GALAXY (WORLD 02) - Superstars: 3 (24 SU 120) - GREEN: 3 (24 SU 120)
Superstars: The first of the three Superstars in the galaxy is the one we can get by simply finishing the level. The second will be the prize for a challenge we'll be given, which is completing the level from start to finish in no more than three minutes - if we succeed, the Superstar will be delivered to us, otherwise we'll fail. The third and final Superstella is connected to the Sfavillotto Ghiotto that we can find in the block with the Comet Medal - right at the base of the long climb at the end of which the medal is awarded. Deliver 30 coins to the Sfavillotto and we will have access to a new planetoid inhabited by Marrane. Let Yoshi eat those carrying the five silver stars on his head and collect the five pieces and we'll have our third Superstar.
Comet Medal: The comet medal of this galaxy is located in the third planetoid we will visit, in the highest area where there is a sharp left bend protected on the outside and inside by some blocks to give Yoshi to turn in time.
Green stars: The first green star is located at the top of the first planetoid, so we are on the left side avoiding the Maxistella launch and pick the second pepper fruit so as to push Yoshi at full speed and straight to the top of the planet. The second star is instead on the right of the comet medal, beyond the purple blocks. To collect it we jump over the purple blocks while running, then we launch into the void on the right to retrieve the star. The third and last green star is on the exact opposite side of the second star, so when we reach the purple blocks we turn left and continue along the platform without turning again - the star will be clearly visible as soon as we reach the iron pole in the middle of the downward curve towards the fourth Megastellar throw.
GALAXY MOUTHS (WORLD 02) - Superstars: 3 (27 SU 120) - GREEN: 3 (27 SU 120)
Superstars: The first Superstar in this galaxy we will get by beating his Boss, Rollodillo. The other two Superstars are linked to two challenges, the first will be activated by a comet and consists of taking out all the Grankies on Rollodillo's planetoid in no more than sixty seconds - if we succeed, the second Superstar will be ours. The third and last Superstar is instead linked to a challenge that will be delivered to us by Tuttofare who will ask us to bring a Goomba to its position avoiding that it dies at our hands or those of Categnacci. All we need to do is break a rock to free the Goomba and then chase it to the handyman's position to get the third and last Superstar as a prize.
Comet Medal: The comet medal of this galaxy is located within the immense purple crystal on the planetoid where we land, just get the power of Mario Rock and hit twice the crystal to free and collect the medal.
Green stars: The first green star is at the top of the lifted bridge, so let's take the run up to the top and from there we will perform a pirouette jump to reach the position of our goal. The second star is next to the ramp with the yellow and red stripes, you just need to lower yourself down to pick it up. The third and last star finally lies beyond the parapet of the last planetoid.
GALASSIA BAIA STELLAR (WORLD 02) - Superstars: 3 (30 SU 120) - GREEN: 3 (30 SU 120)
Superstars: The first of the three Superstars is the one we'll get at the end of the first level - it's inside a crystal to destroy - and the second Superstar is the one we'll get at the end of the second level of the game. Particular will therefore only be the third star for this galaxy, to get it in fact we'll have to feed with 15 coins the greedy Snowflake next to the castle so as to unlock a launch star that will take us to a flooded planet. First on this planet we reach the blue ground button and press it to freeze its surface. After this we skate on the ice and reach the rabbit that will give us the third Superstar as a reward.
Comet medal: The comet medal is located inside a green spiral shell on the right side of the castle at the bottom of the water. We obviously use the shell to move quickly and reach the inside of the shell.
Green stars: The first of the three green stars is located very close to the Superstar of the first level of this galaxy, just jump over the parapet on the left to reach it - we use a pirouette if we don't think we can reach it. The second and third stars are in the second level of the galaxy, both in the area reached after the third Megastell launch. The second star is on the right side of the borderless aquatic zone, just reach the upper right projection and descend from there. The third star, on the other hand, is to the left of the third mobile water cube, the smallest one. We wait for this one to be at the top, then we jump to the left and glide towards the last green star.
FLIGHT GALAXY IN THE JUNGLE (WORLD 02) - Superstars: 2 (32 ON 120) - GREEN: 2 (32 ON 120)
Superstars: The first of the two superstars in the chapter will be obtained simply by finishing the race within the time limit. For the second Superstar will be put up for grabs by Lollorito in a race against other opponents. To get the Superstars it will be necessary to win the race by finishing in first place, the second is only for the losers.
Comet Medal: The comet medal of this galaxy is located inside a dome under the sun, the finish line of the race in which we will be engaged. In order to eliminate the dome we will have to pass through all five portals of the level - the race can be completed without passing through all the portals.
Green stars: The first of the two green stars is on the hole in the big wall flush with the waterfall, while the second is on top of a hill to the right of the sun, the finish line of the race in which we will find ourselves involved in this galaxy.
EDEN ALVEARE GALAXY (WORLD 02) - Superstars: 2 (34 SU 120) - GREEN: 2 (34 SU 120)
Superstars: The first Superstar is usually the one at the end of the level, but we'll see the second one long before the end, but in order to be collected you don't need to use the Mario Ape costume, but the wall jumps and trampolines so you can reach the small garden and here the big tree with the second Superstar underneath.
Comet medal: The comet medal is almost at the conclusion of the second planetoid on which we will arrive at this level, just below the Megastella launch, placed in the middle between two small streams that we must avoid at all costs, otherwise we will lose the Bee power.
Green stars: For both green stars we will have to have the flight indicator at maximum or we will not reach our goal. The first star is on the right, very right of the secret Superstar placed under the roots of the big tree that we will see after the second Megastellar launch. The second green star is on the right, but much higher than the position of the third Mega Launch Tree.
GALASSIA BOWSER'S WASH (WORLD 02) - Superstars: 2 (36 SU 120) - GREEN: 2 (36 SU 120)
Superstars: Needless to say, obviously one of the two Superstars in this galaxy is the Megastella controlled by Bowser at the end of the level. The second Superstar is instead connected to a time race in the galaxy, we will have to reach the opposite end to the start before the time runs out, time that we can increase compared to the thirty seconds initially provided simply by collecting the green clocks on the planetoid.
Comet Medal: The seventh and last comet medal of the second world is on the road followed by the second giant Whomp. Let's make the enemy throw himself to the ground just below the comet medal and use his body as a springboard to perform a pirouette backwards jump to reach our goal.
Green Stars: The first of the two green stars is on the right side of the lava lake, so we jump towards this area trying to reach the star directly or otherwise use the rebound on the lava to pick up the star. The second star is hidden under the floor with ravenous skulls, so let's wait for them to discover it after eating the floor and jump on it.
Here we also come to the conclusion of the second world of Super Mario Galaxy 2 . The maximum number of Superstars or Green Stars won increases to 32 out of 120, while the Medals will be 14.