If you've played any of the newer games like, you might see something familiar in it - but there's a little more refinement here, a little more attention to detail, and a lot more cool abilities to unlock. . As a samurai, you can become an unstoppable merchant of death with the right techniques.
I still do not know ? Here's what we've been through so far - we've got 10 Tips, Features, Battle Tips, and Easter Eggs You Must Know Before You Buy.
# 1: There are four fighting styles to master
The combat isn't too hardcore in - it's a game for everyone, but you won't be able to just mash buttons with every enemy encounter. As you level up, you'll unlock four different fighting styles. Some are better against protected enemies, while others can make it easier to deal with enemies carrying spears. Constantly swap your styles depending on the opponent you are fighting to master early fights.
# 2: Complete as many side quests as you can!
Side quests aren't just for gaining skill points - you'll also get new attack abilities or weapon variations you won't find anywhere else. By completing quests, you can find special attacks or weapons like the Longbow for easier enemy shooting. You will find a old monk who will give you rumors, sharing tips to help you find these unique upgrades.
# 3: don't upgrade your armor until you are sure it matches your style
Each armor set has its own upgrade tree - you can upgrade them up to four times! But, you will have to upgrade each set of armor separately, and they all have different unique attributes. Depending on your needs, some armor is better for stealth and some is better for combat. Upgrades are useful, but they're not an integral part of the gameplay, so you're fine if you wait, test the armor, and then upgrade when you're ready to go.
# 4: Stealth is tricky from the start - use your bow!
Before unlocking future upgrades that will allow you to stealth kill multiple opponents at once, stealth can be quite tricky. Your trusty sword is enough to deal with a few opponents, but once you start infiltrating entire camps of Mongols, you'll need to be careful! The bow is one of the best ways to beat your opponents. It deals massive damage, often killing in one hit, and it staggers opponents, leaving them open to a fatal blow.

# 5: You can swap the armor on the fly and customize it even more!
Armor can be traded in the menu at any time. It doesn't really make sense - your samurai probably can't carry all of this, can they? - but it's handy for really immersing yourself in the world. The island you're trapped on is beautiful, so why not match it up? You can switch to armor for riding and then put on heavy items for combat. And if you are feeling particularly colorful, you can color your armor in different colors to match the seasons! How about a pink armor set for the falling cherry blossoms?
# 6: stay hidden using your stealth tools
At the start of the game, your stealth options are pitifully low. But, learning from your new thief friend will give you more sneaky options - and these aren't just ways to kill more bad guys. You will get a bell to attract enemies, a blowpipe to silently launch opponents, and a grappling hook to climb cliffs and walls. You can even swim and dive into the water to stay out of sight.
# 7: Mongolian alarms are low tech - you can fight without alerting everyone
Combat is always an option in Ghost of Tsushima. From the start, you can charge in the middle of a camp and start slashing enemies. Even if you get caught, it's okay to hold on and fight because you won't alert everyone in a big camp. The alarms aren't exactly fancy, so if you kill everyone on one side of a camp, the other side might not have a clue what's going on.
# 8: Clear Mongolian camps to create quick travel points
You'll have a trusted horse to help you as you travel around the vast Tsushima Island, but sometimes it's not fast enough. The island is a big place! To get around faster, you can clear the Mongol camps - defeat everyone in these locations, which are easy to spot via the smoke trails - to generate a point of fast movement. And fast travel loads are ridiculously fast.
# 9: There are Easter eggs | The Cooper clan
The developer promises a lot of Easter eggs. While I haven't found any Easter Eggs from the (yet), you can pick up some devious armor from the Cooper Clan - the Thieves Family featured in the Games. Well, not exactly; you will need to find specific pieces of armor and wear them together to unlock the 'Cosplayer of the Cooper clan'trophy.
# 10: you can quickly switch sword style to pull off insane combos
For advanced players, you'll be able to unlock killer abilities for your different sword styles - and some of those abilities stack up incredibly well. Shooting arrows in combat makes parrying easier, or you can swap, knock back an enemy, then plaster them with a bomb and arrow as they fly. There are some absurd combos out there, so you'll definitely want to experience all of your unlocked abilities. Think about the possibilities and don't limit yourself to just one fighting style at a time!