While the open beta of DOTA Underlords was still in a smooth launch phase and subject to all kinds of changes, the initial idea that Valve established would remain pretty much the same, and that is the Hero Alliances feature. Heroes can change in terms of stats, abilities, and allegiance, as well as Alliance bonuses that have already undergone big adjustments and fixes. So any beginner's guide should then deal primarily with these features.
The fun thing about DOTA Underlords is that each game lets you build your own team of heroes by carefully reviewing random store picks and managing them. your gold wisely on buying, selling and maybe raising. There is no doubt that this aspect depends on the hero level, but again, you have to take into account the particular alliance you want to build.
The basic store pool is made up of:
1 level Hero x 14 [19659006] Level 2 Hero x 14
3 level Hero x 15
4 level Hero x 12
5 level Hero x 5
This means that the number The number of copies for the heroes is limited, especially in the case of higher levels where they are extremely rare. But, since having a good, balanced team of heroes with a well-balanced alliance is far more important than their rank in the hierarchy, there are ways to become better. We will therefore help you achieve this goal with the advice of Dota Underlords ...
Here's a quick look at the DOTA heroes included in the game so far. You'll notice some missing, like Invoker and Pugna, as we look forward to their inclusion in the game. Here is the list of the heroes' rows in the game. current version 1.0.4 of the game with their alliances:
Level 1:
Anti-Mage - Elusive, Demon Hunter
Axe – Brawny, Warrior
Batrider - Troll, Knight
Bloodseeker - Human, Assassin
Bounty hunter – Scrappy, Assassin
Clockwerk - Scrappy, Inventor - Heartless Hunter
Enchantress - Savage, Druid
Ogre Magi - Bloody, Mage
Phantom Shaman - Troll, Chaman
by Chaton
. ] – Scrappy, Inventor
Tiny - Primordial, Warrior
Tusk - Savage, Warrior
Warlock - Blood Binding, Warlock
Tieron 2:
Master of beasts - Muscular hunter
Chaos knight - Demon, knight
Crystal Maiden – Homme, Mage [19659006] Juggernaut – Brawny, Warrior
Luna - Elusive, Knight
Morphling - Primordial, Assassin
The prophet of nature - Elusive
] – Elusive, Dragon
Pudge – Heartless, TwoWarrior
Queen of pain - Demon, Assassin
Slardar - To scale, Warrior
Timbersaw - Scrappin Inventor
Treant Protector - Elusive, druid
Witch Doctor - Troll, Warlock
Level 3:
Abbadon - Heartless, Knight [1965900)] Guardian of the Bow - Primordial, shaman
Lina - Human, Mage
Lycan - Human, Wild
Omniknight - Human, Knight
- Phantom Assassin ] – Elusive, Assassin
rasoir – Primordial, Mage
The Sand King - Savage, Assassin
The Dark Shadow - Demon, warlock
Slark - Scaled Assassin
Tireur d'izard - Death death, Hunter
Terror - Demon, demon hunter
Venus of War - Savage, Warlock
Viper - Dragon, assassin
Wind ranger - Elusive, hunter
Rank 4:
Alchemist – Scrappy, Warlock
Destroyer - Brawny, shaman, warlock
Doom - Demon, warrior
Dragon knight - Human, Dragon, Knight
Keeper of the light - Human, Mage [1965900)] Kunkka - Human, warrior
Alone druid - Savage, druid
Jellyfish - To scale, hunter
Mirana - Elusive, hunter
Necroph – Heartless, Warlock
Templar assassin - Elusive, assassin
Troll warlord - Troll, warrior
Enigma - Primordial, Warlock
Gyrocoptère – Deadeye, Inventor
Lich - Heartless, Mage
Techies - Scra [Inventive] Inventor
– Scaled, Hunter
DOTA alliances with pros and cons
3 Assassins give + 10% for 300% critical hit for all assassins, + 20% for 400% damage for 6, + 30% for 500% damage for 9
+ quick takedowns
- It is practically impossible to assemble 9 points, easy to counter with Elusive or other traits, vulnerable to CC and mages
When one blood-bound unit dies, the other gains + 100% damage for the rest of the battle
+ Excellent at the start, when you have 2 or 3 units maximum
- Risky that you can count on a bonus that starts when your unit dies, you also can't be sure that it will die when you need it to
Two Brawny units gain +200 at their maximum, +500 for 4
+ Excellent in Any build if you have room for 2 of them, potentially great with a Forged in Battle item but they must execute the units themselves
- 4 can seriously reduce your damage dealt
The Deadeye duo have the same enemy unit objective with the lowest health level
+ excellent for takedowns and for quickly thinning enemy ranks
- 2 Deadeye units that fire at the same target can end up being an overkill, often wasting an attack
but only one is on the board, it gains + 50% of the damage dealt
+ Demons are generally powerful units with powerful game-changing abilities
- The bonus is easily thwarted and + 50% is not terrible to take. 2 places in your team
2 demon hunters negate enemy demon bonus, 4 deal + 50% pure damage to all demons
+ enemy counter demon bonus easily
- A single demon unit in the opposing team makes building this alliance a bit overkill even though sometimes an enemy demon can tip the scales in favor of the enemy
2 dragon units unlock an additional dragon ability at all
+ with 2 dragons you gain 2 additional skills for use per match
- Reliable Mana bonus skills
If you have 2 druids, the lower level gains a level, if you have 4, the 2 lower gain a level each
+ Excellent for quick games, shorthanded and against the opposing team
- their value drops at the end of the game
3 Elusive units gain + 20% against Evasion, 6 gains + 45%, 9 gains + 75%
+ Excellent against Assassins and other Alliances increasing physical damage and basic attacks
- Ineffective against mages, weak against muscular units, weak against CCs
2 Heartless units grant enemies a -5 Armor debuff, increased to -10 for 4 and -20 for 6
+ Excellent against all alliances
- Frail against heavy CC, must be associated with physical damage dealers [19659010] 2 Humans have 20% chance to silence a target for 4 sec on each attack, 4% 44% chance, 6% 66% chance
+ Excellent against Mages and CC
- Weak against Assassins and other alliances that improve Physical Damage and Basic Attacks
3 hunter units gain 20% chance to inflict a double attack, 6 - 35% chance
+ Easy to assemble 3, endgame power
- Extremely fragile against stealthy and muscular enemies and thwarted with CC
2 Inventor units gain +15 regeneration points, 4 gain points +40 HP regeneration
+ Good for stages from 2 or 3 units in total per team
- Low in later stages with more units per team
2 Knights take -15% physical and magical damage, increased to -30 if they are in each other's cells. 4 Knights gain -20% or -40% if 1 cell out, 6 Knights gain -30% or -55% if 1 cell out
+: 2 The knight bonus is great for beginners, if you can collect them early. sure
- Knights are higher levels, they can easily break apart from more than a cell away, vulnerable to CC
3 mages give their enemies a -40% magic resistance increased to -100% for 6 Mages
+ Excellent against blocks, damage dealt is powerful, strong against Elusives
- weak in early battles with a few units, slimy, easily countered by Knights, Brawny, CC, Scaled and Humans [19659010] The 2 primordial units have a 30% chance of disarming the opponents who attacked them, 4 primordial units grant this bonus to the whole team
+ Strong against physical damage and basic attacks
- Weak against Mages and CC, difficult to combine with other alliances
2 Savage units deal to all allies + 10% attack damage increased to + 25% for 4 and +4. 5% for 6
+ Easy to install 2 wild units in any large scale model
- Low at the start with small teams
2 scale units grant all allies + 30% Magic Resistance, increased to + 50% for 4
+ Strong against Mages
- Frail against physical damage, basic attacks
3 Scrappy units give a random ally +9 to armor and +8 to HP regeneration, doubled if you have fewer units than your opponent at the start of the match. 6 Scrappy units increase this bonus to all allies
+ Easy to assemble 3 Scrappy units into any large team
- the random bonus distribution is unpredictable, impossible to manage in small teams
3 shamanic units can be destabilized enemies for -200% Mana regeneration with each spell, silence or stun cast
+ Excellent against all enemies that rely on mana and casting skills, especially dragons
- Shamans are often squishy, low damage, weak against humans and other shamans
Units of 2 trolls gain +35 attack speed, increased to +65 attack speed and +30 attack speed for all allies if 4 trolls are present
+ 2 trolls are easy to assemble in any big team
- 4 Trolls can make a fluid team, weak against Brawny, Elusive, CC and Primordials
2 warlock units bond with the lowest HP ally with each casting spells, healing them for 50% of the damage they both deal; increased to 100% healing for 4 warlocks and 150% for 6 warlocks
+ Easily fits into any team, large or small
- low damage, vulnerable to CC, low against shamans and humans
Warrior's units gain +10 armor, increased to +15 for 6 and +25 for 9
+ easily fits into any large team
- Low damage, low against Mages and Heartless