The Longest Five Minutes, Manufactured by Nippon Ichi Software and published by NIS for Nintendo Switch, is a game that is clearly inspired by 8-bit RPG of the years' 80 is 90.
In this game of a role that is so clearly inspired by masterpieces of the caliber of Zelda, the player plays the role of Flash Back, a 17-year-old hero who, having arrived in the presence of the King of Demons, completely loses his memory. His memories and those of his companions have been lost and the protagonist of the game therefore does not know how he can be so skilled in the arts of war. After this prologue a timer starts, and in 5 minutes, those mentioned in the game title, you will have to recover your memory and defeat the final boss.
An RPG of this type is certainly not new in the gaming scene, but The Longest Five Minutes manages to impress with the graphics that bring to mind authentic pixelated gems, of which Zelda is only the most popular. The reference to Final Fantasy appeared on NES is equally evident, and perhaps these two are the masterpieces that most inspired the technicians of the software house that gave us - well, not literally, unfortunately for us - this lovely video game.
The plot and the narrative context of The Longest 5 Minutes are not the most original ever, in fact they had already seen protagonists suffering from amnesia and enemies like those that characterize the game. However our hero and his companions do not follow the classic classes already seen in all the most famous JRPGs that have appeared in the last 20 years.
The company is formed by Yuzu, a lively girl who behaves like a tomboy; Clover, priestess able to heal from the meek and shy soul; Regent, a black magician initiated into these arts by his parents but whose dream is to become a rock star. The main scenario is the battle with the final boss, the Demon Lord, and all is handled like a visual novel during which the player is asked to make choices.
Unfortunately we have not yet been able to find tricks for this recent RPG for Nintendo Switch. We will do our best to help you!
The Longest Five Minutes - Switch