How to contact Free Mobile customer service?

How to contact Free Mobile customer service?
Do you have questions about your Free Mobile subscription, but don't know how to contact customer service? In this guide, we present several solutions to help you join Free.

The operator Free offers customer service for the latter in the event of a problem which, unlike many of its competitors in low-cost telephony, is not limited to a website. Indeed, the telephone operator Free offers many solutions to allow its customers to contact it. Whether you are at home or in the depths of the forest, you can always contact Free Mobile customer service.

Contact Free Mobile customer service via the operator's website

To access Free Mobile customer service, simply go to Then click on the tab Support at the top right of the main page, then at the bottom of the page, click the button Contact Us.

How to contact Free Mobile customer service?
A question and answer game will take place with an online robot. Nothing very complicated to use, it will give you in the end the procedure to follow to answer your questions.

How to contact Free Mobile customer service?

Contact Free Mobile customer service by videophone

You are unable to move, but you really want to have human contact with Free's customer service? All you have to do is opt for the video/audio solution offered by Free's assistance.

With this solution, which can be used directly on your smartphone or from your computer or tablet, you will get in touch with an advisor who can guide you through the process.

To access this service, go to the Face to Free page on the Free Mobile website.

Join a Free store

If dialogue with a robot is not your thing, and you prefer human contact to answer your questions, you can go directly to the store to ask for help with your Free mobile subscription. To find a store near you, Free offers an interactive map that will show you where the nearest store can help you.

How to contact Free Mobile customer service?

Contact Free Mobile customer service by phone

Of course, there is always the good old method of the customer service number. 3244 accessible 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays, from 22 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Saturdays and from 21 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sundays. This assistance is free from your Free mobile line or from any other Free fixed or mobile line.

How to contact Free Mobile customer service?
To conclude, whatever solution you choose, you will get the answers to your questions.

Note that if the online solution is not necessarily the easiest to learn, it is still very well done and will answer your questions about your Free mobile subscription and its associated benefits.

Useful information about Free Mobile:
  • Free Mobile network: what 4G, 3G and 2G speeds for the telephone operator?
  • Free Mobile network: what is Free phone coverage worth in Spain?

Expertsconnecting accompanies you during your steps at Free Mobile:
  • How to activate Free Mobile call forwarding?
  • How to configure the APN Free Mobile on my smartphone?
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  • How to contact Free Mobile customer service?
  • How to connect to your Free Mobile customer area and manage your account?
  • How to recover your RIO Free code?
  • How to activate your Free SIM card?
  • How to cancel your Free mobile plan?
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