Growth of Tomogunchi
First of all, make sure you have equipped the Tomogunchi watch in the Watch Select before loading into a match. At first your Tomogunchi will start in its Egg shape, struggling to come out of its shell. Eventually the egg will hatch and reveal a Baby Tomogunchi, which will then become a Child, or teens, and finally, a Adult. There are also several different forms of the Tomogunchi animal waiting to be discovered, so you might end up with a different animal than your friends.
You can check your Tomogunchi at any time during a match by selecting Watch Interact gesture, which is activated by pressing the directional pad or the up arrow on the PC.
Tomogunchi Care
However, you can't just ignore your pet during a game. You will need to pay attention to his needs in order for him to grow up happy and healthy. On the right side of the Tomogunchi screen, there are four faces that represent four emotions. From top to bottom these faces mean your Tomogunchi is feeling Hunger, Sale, Indiscipline, or Sleepy. If none of them are active, your Tomogunchi is happy. Keep doing what you are doing and your pet will continue to grow.
The mood of your Tomogunchi can be increased thanks to do, objective rating, killstreaks, and wins. Basically, play well and your pet will thrive. Play badly, however, and your pet will suffer the consequences. His mood will subside, ultimately leading to the grave.
If you are in a hurry, there is always the bonus fees, which can dramatically improve the mood of your Tomogunchi. The bonus is represented by the bar at the bottom of the Tomogunchi screen, and each animal has a different way of filling it. These strategies include capture, killstreaks, plants, and first three wins. Once you understand exactly what your pet likes, use the Watch Interact Make a move to cash in your bonus charge progress so your pet can scale much faster.
As long as you keep track of your pet's needs and are doing well in your matches, your Tomogunchi pet will hopefully lead a long, happy life.