The Outer Worlds is a great role-playing game that takes into account how you interact with the environment. The game is now available and contains a long list of achievements and trophies. One of the open world mechanics affecting your character is the New Flawed System, directly connected to an achievement called 'Flawed Hero'. With the flaw system, your character will be rewarded for repeatedly repeating the same negative experiences. Here's how to unlock the “Flawed Hero” Achievement or Trophy.
The Outer Worlds - How to Achieve Flawed Hero Realization
You acquire flaws by continually performing the same detrimental task until you are rewarded for your imperfect character. Each flaw will grant you an advantage and slightly change your attributes permanently. They will also affect your party member's stats. You will not be penalized for rejecting a flaw. Playing Normal limits the flaws you can unlock to three, playing Hard is worth four, and Supernova allows five flaws.
To achieve this result, you just need to acquire one of the three flaws listed below. Getting them takes a bit of time, but once you get the hang of your character, your character is going to be seriously messed up.
So far, the vulnerabilities known to be unlockable are:
- Acrophobia: Acrophobia is acquired after taking too much damage from falling. You bring -1 to your dexterity, your perception and your temperament.
- Corrosive Weakness: Take too much corrosive damage in a short time and 25% faster than normal.
- Cynophobia: Cynophobia occurs when you are too often attacked by Canids. The Marauders in the first part of the game will have tamed the Canids, but the fiercest ones will be on the prowl for you as well. With this rift, you take -2 to Perception and -1 to Temperament.
- Addiction: Like in Fallout, you can become addicted to drugs if you take too much in too little time. Drug addiction will cost you -1 Dexterity, Perception and Temperament.
- Herpetophobia: Mantisaurs are large lizard creatures in The Outer Worlds. After having encountered them too often, your character will be: -1 Dexterity, Perception and Temperament.
- Paranoid: Your character will become paranoid if caught too often by guards in restricted areas. Although paranoid, all of your personality attributes take a -1.
- Permanent Concussion: Concussions are no joke in the real world. Now they're going to affect you long term in video games, with -1 to all of the Mind attributes.
- Permanent Disability: If you take too much damage to the legs, your movement speed will slow down by 30% and your ability to dodge will be reduced.
- Weak Physical Damage: Physical damage is distributed with melee weapons. Take too much melee damage in a certain amount of time and you will take 25 percent physical damage.
- Pithecophobia: Pithecophobia is the fear of monkeys. Being attacked by too many Primitives will hit you with -1 Dexterity, Perception, and Temperament.
- Plasma Weakness: Like Corrosive Weakness, if you take too much Plasma damage in a short period of time, you may take 25% more damage from Plasma Weapons.
- Robophobia: automechanics are the robots that inhabit the outer worlds. After taking too much damage from robots, your Dexterity, Perception, and Temperament will all take -1.
- Raptiphobia: Encountering too many Raptidons throughout your game will drop you -1 to Stamina, Willpower, and Temperament.
Once you've acquired one of the three flaws from above, you'll need to unlock the achievement shortly thereafter. Your character is going to look a little different with these new changes, but that shouldn't cause you too much of a problem. If you want success and not flaws, you need to make sure you back up well before you get them. When you have them all, go back to saving and you can continue playing before they happen.
You can play The Outer Worlds right now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC through the Microsoft Store or the Epic Games Store. It will come later to the Nintendo Switch. Good luck, settlers.