In the past, talents came in a variety of flavors, and they'd show up pretty darn near every gear available. This is no longer the case in The Division 2: Warlords of New York, as Gear 2.0 saw many of the previous talents removed or heavily revised taking into account group synergy. Additionally, Gear Talents appear on Chest Pieces and Backpacks now (Exotics excluded). So what are these new talents?
Below is the full list of updated new talents in The Division 2: Warlords of New York gear. There are twenty available on the backpacks, and twenty that can be rolled over the chest pieces. Each item can only have one talent, and talents are limited to higher or higher rarity drops, but they no longer need a specific attribute amount to activate. These can also be stored in the recalibration library for later use. A list of all the new weapons, exoticism, and gear talents in The Division 2: Warlords of New York is being compiled and will appear in a future guide.
- Talents backpack
- Skill DPS
- Combined arms
- Shooting an enemy increases total skill damage by 25% for 3s.
- Perfect Combination Weapons: 30% skill damage.
- Energize
- Using an armor kit grants a skill level +1 for 15 seconds. If he's already at skill level 6, grants a surcharge.
- Support
- Skill slain increases total skill damage by 25% for 20s.
- Perfect technical support: 27s.
- Calculated
- Kills under cover reduce skill cooldowns by 10%.
- Shock and Awe
- Applying a status effect to an enemy increases total skill damage and repairs by 20% for 20 seconds.
- Perfect Shock et Awe: 27s.
- Healing and support
- Sauvegarde
- While in full armor, increases total skill repair by 100%.
- overclock
- You and your allies within 7 yards of your deployed skills, gain + 25% reload speed and reduce active cooldowns by 0,2 seconds per second.
- Tank and Bruiser
- Bloodsucker
- Killing an enemy adds and refreshes a bonus armor stack by + 10% for 10s. The maximum stack is 10.
- Direction
- Covering to cover grants you 12% of your armor as bonus armor to you and all allies for 10 seconds.
- This is doubled if you find yourself within 10 yards of an enemy.
- Cooldown: 10s.
- PVP: 8% of your armor.
- Protective
- When your shield is damaged you gain + 5% and all other allies gain + 15% of your armor as bonus armor for 3s.
- Cooldown: 3s.
- DPS weapon
- Vigilance
- Increases total weapon damage by 25%. Taking damage disables this buff for 4s.
- Perfect vigilance: 3s.
- Versatile
- Amplifies total weapon damage for 10 seconds when swapping between your primary and secondary weapons if they are different.
- 35% to enemies within 15m for shotguns and SMGs.
- 35% to enemies over 25m for rifles and sniper rifles.
- 10% to enemies between 15 and 25m for LMGs and assault rifles.
- At most once every 5 seconds per weapon type.
- Opportunistic
- Enemies you hit with shotguns and sniper rifles amplify the damage they take by 10% from all sources for 5 seconds.
- Force innarêtable
- Killing an enemy increases total weapon damage by 5% for 15s. Stacks up to 5 times.
- Companion
- While within 5 yards of an ally or skill, total weapon damage is increased by 15%.
- Calm
- While in cover, increases total weapon damage by 15%.
- Concussion
- Headshots increase total weapon damage by 10% for 1,5 seconds. 5s with sniper rifles.
- Headshots also increase total weapon damage by 15% for 10s.
- Status effect
- Terrifying death
- When you apply a status effect, it is also applied to all enemies within 5 yards of your target.
- Cooldown: 20s
- Mean
- Applying a status effect increases total weapon damage by 18% for 20s.
- Perfect Villain: 27s
- Galvanize
- Blind, trap, confuse, or shock an enemy grants you 40% of your armor as bonus armor to you and all allies within 20 yards of that enemy for 10 seconds.
- PvP: 20%
- Soutenir
- Clutch
- If you have less than 15% armor, critical hits repair 3% missing armor.
- Kills allow you to repair up to 100% armor for 4-10 seconds, depending on your primary attribute (weapon).
- Perfect Clutch: If you have less than 20% armor.
- Chest Talents
- Skill DPS
- tag Team
- The last enemy you damaged with a skill is marked.
- Inflicting weapon damage on this enemy consumes the mark to reduce active cooldowns by 4s.
- Cooldown: 4s
- Cinematic moment
- In combat, each skill generates a stack when it is active or not during the cooldown.
- Charges increase your total skill damage by 1% and your total skill repair by 2%. Up to 15 stacks per skill. Lost during cooldown.
- Qualified
- Skill kills have a 25% chance to reset skill cooldowns.
- If no skill was on the cooldown, you instead gain a one-time buff that immediately refreshes a skill's cooldown when it continues.
- Observer
- Amplifies total weapon damage and skills by 15% to pulsed enemies.
- Explosives delivery
- Every time you cast a skill, 1,5 seconds after landing, it creates an explosion damaging enemies within 5 yards.
- Damage scales with skill level dealing 25-100% damage from a Shock Grenade.
- At most once per skill.
- Ranged impulse, all turrets, all beehives, explosives finder, cluster finder, coupler finder, lure, all traps.
- Healing and support
- Empathetic resolution
- Repairing an ally increases the total damage of their weapons and skills by 3 to 15% for 10 seconds. 1-7% if auto.
- Efficiency increased by your skill level.
- Overwatch
- After staying in cover for 10 seconds, increase your total weapon and skill damage to all allies by 12% while in cover or in a cover-to-cover move.
- Perfect Overwatch: 8s.
- Tank and Bruiser
- Intimidate
- While you have bonus armor, amplifies total weapon damage by 35% to enemies within 10m.
- Perfect bullying: 40%.
- Unbreakable
- When your armor is depleted, repair 95% of your armor.
- Cooldown: 60s.
- Perfect unbreakable: 100%, 55s.
- PvP: 50%, 60s.
- Perfect Unbreakable PvP: 55%, 55s.
- Vanguard
- Deploying a shield makes it invulnerable for 5s and grants 45% of your armor as bonus armor to all other allies for 20s.
- Cooldown: 25s
- Perfect Vanguard: 50%
- PvP: 20%
- Perfect Vanguard PvP: 25%
- Protected reloading
- Grants + 20% bonus armor on reload.
- Grants 0-18% of your armor as bonus armor to all other allies on reload, depending on your base attribute (defense).
- PvP: 15%, 0-12%
- DPS weapon
- Glass barrel
- All damage you deal is magnified by 25%. All damage you take is magnified by 50%.
- Perfect Glass Barrel: 30% / 60%.
- Gunslinger
- Weapon swap increases total weapon damage by 20% for 5s. This buff is lost for 5s if you swap your weapon while it is active.
- Focus
- Increases total weapon damage by 5% for every second you aim with a range of 8x or more, up to 50%.
- Perfect focus: 6% / 60%.
- Braced
- While in cover, weapon handling is increased by + 45%.
- Perfect hug: 50%
- Spark
- Dealing damage to an enemy with a skill increases total weapon damage by 15% for 15 seconds.
- Perfect Spark: 20s.
- To erase
- Critical hits increase total weapon damage by 1% for 5s. Stacks up to 15 times.
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