The Division 11.1 patch 2 patch notes
The top
- Difficulty and guidelines
- When interacting with the elevator in the lobby, players will be able to select the desired difficulty and directions
- All difficulties are selectable: Normal - Legendary
- For guidelines, players can choose from 9 published guidelines
- Developer Comment: We recommend that you limit yourself to 5 active directives; use more at your own risk
- NOTE: Missions and Global Difficulty still have the 5 Seasonal Directives
- When interacting with the elevator in the lobby, players will be able to select the desired difficulty and directions
- The new summit experience
- Players can now climb their custom summit at their own pace.
- With TU11.1, all players will initially start on the 1st floor of the Summit
- Progress is now saved more frequently with each encounter with Elevator players
- Instead of the old rally points, players will pick up where they left off in subsequent games.
- This means you can stop at floor 38. Then the next day continue from the elevator to floor 37.
- Once players complete the 100th floor, on their next attempt at the top, they will restart on the 1st floor.
- NOTE: for co-op, we save the maximum of your previous checkpoint and current session
- Example: the player previously had a save on the 60th floor, they matched and ended the 95th floor with a party, on their next game the player would continue to the elevator to the 93rd floor.
- Example: the player previously had a save on floor 81, they matched and finished floor 34 with a party, in their next game the player would continue to the elevator to floor 81.
- Players can now climb their custom summit at their own pace.
- Targeted loot
- At any time during the Summit, players can open the Mega Map and set their personal Target Loot
- For their allocation, players can choose from weapon types, gear slots, mods, brands, and gear sets.
- The selection of targeted loot in Summit is personal (meaning each player in a party of 4 can have a different allocation chosen)
- At any time during the Summit, players can open the Mega Map and set their personal Target Loot
- Scaling up threats
- The higher players climb in The Summit, the more likely they are to encounter tougher enemies.
- The chance for enemies to spawn as a Veteran or Elite gradually increases with each floor.
- Lieutenant squads occur more frequently as you climb to the top.
- The Boss floors (10, 20, 30,…, 90) have several hostiles named on the upper floors.
- The higher players climb in The Summit, the more likely they are to encounter tougher enemies.
- Additional gameplay improvements
- Added a weekly project to complete the summit (which along with other rewards grants an exotic cache)
- Added more types of objectives
- Faster interaction animation on the laptop
- Adjusted enemy spawning during Hack Terminals objectives
- Keeping SHD crates is more advantageous
- Added new UI notifications regarding Exotic Fire Teams, Bosses, etc.
- Directives now increase the drop chance of targeted loot
- Since its introduction in TU6, Targeted Loot has been influenced by a number of factors (including difficulty).
- Now, with TU11.1, each active directive adds a small amount to the total drop chance for targeted loot.
- This applies wherever directives are present (missions, open world, summit).
- NOTE: Directives also increase XP.
- Increased cooldown reduction per skill part collected with the skill regained directive.
- Fixed an issue causing broken batteries in Fragile Armor to behave strangely after death and reactivation.
Targeted loot
- Added individual targeted loot allocations for each gear set
- This applies to both normal rotation and Summit personal targeted loot.
- Ex: Lincoln can have True Patriot
- Exotic Ridgeway's Pride
- For the first part of the Exotic Quest, coins now drop based on the number of floors at the top and the increased coin drop chance.
- For the third part of the exotic quest, reduced the number of agents and rogue hunters to kill to 2
- Increased the radius of the Bleeding Edge talent to 15m
- Increased repair strength of the Bleeding Edge talent to 1: 3%, 2: 6%, 3: 12%, 4: 24%, 5: 48% (per bleeding enemy within radius)
- These PvP balance changes affect both DZ and Conflict:
- Decreased overall time to kill by 10%
- Decreased shotgun damage by 12,5%
- Increased damage to shields by 25%
- Fixed an issue in Conflict that caused the Firewall specialization flamethrower to deal an excessive amount of damage.
Bug fixes
- The top
- Fixed Loot Crates not resetting if encountered twice in a session.
- Restored the ability to select Matchmake without reloading
- Mega-Map now has the correct tabs (Projects / Manhunt / SHD)
- Improved 100th Floor Final Enemy Loot
- Doors swapped to be windowless in various places
- Legendary Black Tusk learned to properly hold weapons
- Improvements to an issue that could cause the 100th floor to end after killing all enemies
- Fixed an issue where agents could squeeze through the map and get stuck between elevators
- Fixed an issue where the Legendary Black Tusk would sometimes appear when experiencing difficulties in which they should not be
- Fixed instances of enemies not leaving their spawn closets.
- Fixed objective requirements for poison gas to remain on screen after a party member interacts with the laptop
- Fixed a loot room that could not be interacted with
- Fixes instances of enemies spawning incorrectly in parts of the floor that have already been cleared
- Fixed the lobby voiceover triggering when returning to the lobby
- Fixed the "Neutralize Lieutenant" objective sometimes choosing an unnamed NPC as a lieutenant
- Fixed an issue where a controller button had dual functionality on the mega map
- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in the spectator mode screen after switching another player's camera
- Various UI and map fixes
- Other
- Fixed enemies that were sometimes inaccessible in the Grand Washington Hotel
- Fixed an issue that prevented SHD level notification UI
- Fixed an issue in the Operation Iron Horse raid where RPGs could stop dropping if they were disconnected or quickly exited the raid when they had one equipped
- Fixed an issue that occurred when the player fell from an object in combat causing the agent to move forward and then back
- Fixed an issue that caused party members to have no ammo when the party leader activated the Gunslinger Directive in the Dark Zone
- Fixed Global Event Modifiers not working as intended on Legendary Difficulty.