How to evolve your Temtem
First of all, a warning. It's a bit too early for all the details of your Temtem's evolution as the game is still in Early Access and a lot can change. This also means that currently we are still discovering elements of the game and its mechanics, so be sure to let us know if we are wrong. That said, we'll share as much as possible and keep this article updated as the game progresses to its full version in 2021. So how are you evolving Temtem? Everyone we know today uses the proven method of certain level caps.
Most creatures in Temtem need to be leveled up a number of times, in most cases seven levels, before evolving. For example, Crystle, one of the starting Temtem, will evolve into Sherald at level 30. The more you use it in combat, the faster you will reach that level and the sooner it will evolve. However, that's not the only thing to keep in mind when it comes to how this new game evolves.
Many Temtem follow the usual formula of reaching a certain level and then progressing to stage 2 or maybe stage 3 versions of that species. Some Temtem lack additional stages and will never evolve, so watch for more as we dig into the game. However, others have even more complexity to them, like the meta-mimetic Tetem which can evolve into different final forms under certain conditions. We'll break them down once they're fully discovered and fleshed out.
So that's what we now know about how to evolve your Temtem. There is a lot more to discover as the game is updated and deeper mechanics are added. Be sure to check back for more information as this develops.