In you play as the brave new Spider-Man in Harlem - quickly emerge from the shadow of Peter Parker by acquiring new Venom powers. These electric powers add a new spark to combat, even allowing Miles to briefly turn invisible during tricky stealth sequences. And you will need it, the baddies are tougher than ever.
End explained and speculation continued | Guide to all costumes | How To Unlock Each Bonus Combination | Guide to the locations of all secret photos | How to unlock the ESU costume | Watch every boss battle and bad guy encounter here [VIDEO]
To start the Scavenger Hunt mission, you must complete the main story. Once the last mission is completed, return home - it's marked on your map. Sleep on the bed and you'll get the first postcard clue.
After each clue, you will get a marked location on your map. Once you arrive you need to find a specific location based on the clue.
- Location n ° 1: Natural History Museum - Around the corner, find a statue with four kneeling figures and a globe.
- Location # 2: Empire State Building - At the top, reach the observation deck with everyone and the coin-operated metal binoculars. One of them is broken - this is where you will find the clue.
- Location # 3: Museum of Modern Art - Go down to the balcony from the entrance to find a giant shell fossil. Web on top to collect the clue.
- Location # 4: CODB nightclub - Go down to the front door. On the right, only one light is connected to the wall. Web on it and type in the hint.
- Location # 5: Lobster Bill's - Easy! Web over the giant lobster and walk towards the tail.
- Location # 6: El Barrio - The note is right on the door, on the mailbox.
- Location # 7: CJ Walker Park - At the park, check all the basketball hoops. One of them has a clue attached.
After completing all locations, you will complete the quest and unlock the “Urban Explorers” Trophy.