Google Play Pass subscription money is normally split, and some of that goes where it's appropriate, to developers naturally. However, online reports are emerging designing developers to sound the alarm bells about their slice of the pie. However, it appears to be more than that, as developers and independent analysts have all spoken out publicly and given their thoughts on the state of the industry itself, as well as their chances of making a good living.
“Independent game developers are not independent musicians. We don't tour. "- Will O'Neil, independent video game developer
It is a known fact and a widespread trend around the world to monetize your game, especially over the past 5 years. A game may or may not cost money to start with, but almost every developer and major publisher has started distributing their own customers and in-store services in the past five years. In addition, their games contain unlockables that keep growing, or better content exclusive to those who are willing to shell out money to get it. Well, all is well from a business point of view, but there seems to be a bigger danger to our pockets than that.
Respectable people in the industry have given us their insider perspective, and it's awful. Their main argument is that the still exclusive content and monetization methodology used by games today means that games that focus on creating content that can be replayed immediately have a much greater advantage than those aiming for a more unique experience. short, whatever their quality. Rami Ismail, co-founder of Vlambeer, said, “If engagement becomes money, then squeaking, creating addicting loops and endless gameplay becomes the best way to make money. "
This is the problem with all branches of the arts and entertainment. Everyone has at one point reflected on the age-old question of whether or not you should go for more commercially appealing content. However, while other areas of entertainment, such as the arts, work differently and people may create just for fun, the video game industry does not. Creating a video game takes time, money and heavy resources.