Team game. Whether you love them or hate them, there's no denying that they're an integral part of the Fall Guys experience. Whether you team up with a bunch of friends or a bunch of random players, everyone is generally trying to maximize team performance.
In most team games you can only win or lose one point at a time, but in some cases there are 5 point bonuses that are perfect for getting ahead or catching up from behind. Here are the three team games that hold a golden bonus.
Small golden eggs (egg scrambling)

The most common and iconic instance of the 5 Golden Points is in Egg Scramble. When the game starts, three of the eggs in the middle of the map will still be golden. However, this game is the only one where you can't lose your gold bonuses as easily as you get them. If you have golden eggs in your nest, it is a good idea to have one or two teammates stay in the nest and specifically protect the golden eggs from other teams trying to progress.
Golden Spinning Hoop (Hoopsie Daisy)

This is the only game where the gold bonus does not come in the form of an egg, but rather a golden hoop. While these don't appear right off the bat, you have a good chance of seeing them appear every now and then in the game. They are a bit more difficult to get through, as unlike normal hoops, they spin. But if you can manage to get your hands on the hoop spinning, that 5 point bonus might be just what you need to get your team ahead of the competition.
Giant golden egg (autumn ball)

This is the rarest example of a gold bonus. While most balls are soccer balls, with the occasional American football mixed in there is a ball drop which is even rarer. A giant version of the Golden Egg that we normally see in Egg Scramble will enter the field. Five points means a lot more in Fall Ball than in the other two games listed, so don't really count yourself if you're far behind. Although it doesn't appear often and is difficult to roll, at the right time it can be your Hail Mary.