Finally we can say it: Shadow of the Colossus is back! With the remake for Playstation 4, many fans will have the chance to play one of the most iconic video games of all time again, while the younger ones will have the chance to rediscover a masterpiece from the past. But let's get straight to the point. If you're reading these lines it's because you're struggling with the various trophies of the game, attempting your ascent to platinum (never was a better expression). This guide will try to make things easier for you, especially for obtaining some particularly difficult trophies.
Shadow of the Colossus: some preliminary advice

Let's start by saying that to get the platinum, you will have to complete the game at least 5 or 6 times. The trophies to maximize the health and stamina of our protagonist, in fact, will require more runs to be obtained. There are some missing trophies. These are those related to collectables, they must be collected in a single run, and the trophy "Fury of the Dormin". In order to avoid having to start the game again from the beginning, we advise you to save manually after defeating the 15th Colossus, so that you can dedicate yourself to the various trophies as calmly as possible.
The most important advice we can give you is this: before diving into the platinum hunt, enjoy Shadow of the Colossus! During the first run, don't pay too much attention to the trophies, and enjoy every moment between the boss fights. You'll still have to start the game over to unlock most of the trophies, so enjoy your first game without any anxiety or worries of any kind. If you're going to aim directly to platinum, start immediately to try your hand at the difficult mode that, unlike the previous versions of the game, will be available from the first run.
Bronze Trophies
His Majesty's Sword
Defeat a colossus with the queen's sword.
You will get the Queen's Sword only after you have beaten all 16 Colossi in the Time Attacks of Difficult Mode. This is one of the strongest weapons in the game, capable of destroying a vital point with a single attack.
On target!
Use your sword to focus on a vital point.
One of the ways to locate the vital points of the Colossi is through your sword. By pressing the R1 button, in fact, the usual beam of light will appear, focusing on the various weak points of the bosses, which will remain highlighted throughout the fight. Do this to get the trophy.
Fruits of the earth
Eat a fruit.
In the vast game map, you will find several trees. On some of them there are fruits that, as we'll tell you later, are one of the collectables in the game. The moment you find yourself in front of a tree with fruits, all you have to do is pull out your bow, aim and hit the fruit, drop it, pick it up and eat it. This will unlock the trophy.
Skillful warrior
Defeat a colossus by jumping from above.
To unlock this trophy, you must first reduce one of the giants to death. When the time comes, you will have to jump by holding down the R2 and Square buttons. In this way, Wander will pierce the boss with a jump attack. To get the trophy in question, of course, it is necessary that the titan is killed with this attack.
The past defines you
Defeat a colossus in memory mode.
Every time you defeat a Colossus, you will have the chance to fight it again. To do so, you'll need to go to the place where you defeated it, get closer to what's left of its body w press the R2 button to start praying. In this way, you can face the boss in question again. Defeat him a second time to get the trophy.
Sweet, little lizard
Get the tail of a silver lizard.
One of the few animals in the game is the silver lizard. It is, as you can easily deduce, a small white-tailed lizard, which is the only way you can distinguish this animal from any other lizard in the game. You will find these animals near the various shrines. The best way to get what we are interested in silver lizards is to kill them by hitting them with arrows and then collect their tail. Do this to get the trophy.
Animals of the Earth
Interact with dove, hawk, fish and turtle.
As we told you before, beyond the Colossi, there are also a few other living creatures in Shadow of the Colossus. To get this trophy, we'll have to interact with each of them. Basically, in most cases, we'll have to press the R2 button to cling to them. But where can you find doves, hawks, peach trees and turtles?
- The doves are in the very temple where we will begin our adventure, near Mono's bed. Wait for them to settle on the ground, run towards them, jump and press R2 to cling to one of them when it is in flight;
- The hawks can be found at various points on the map. One of the easiest places to hold on to one of them is near the shrine to the west of the game's starting point. Stand up while riding Agro, jump and press R2 to cling. This won't be an immediate operation, and it may take several tries;
- The fish, as is easy to understand, will be found in almost any body of water you encounter. To cling to one of them you'll have to dive first and then press the R2 button to grab their caudal fin;
- The turtles, on the other hand, are located to the north in the main temple, in the area you will travel to the eleventh colossus. You will come across a stone with vegetation, with various turtles running around it. In this case, you will simply have to walk on one of them to get the "interaction";
For any clarification, see the attached video.
Gift of the nomad
Find the barrel in the hidden cave.
This trophy will be obtainable practically at the beginning of the game. Start from the main temple in the middle of the map, and ride in a southwesterly direction until you reach a forest, maybe holding down the triangle button to make Agro run. Once in the forest, you'll have to walk along one of the paths. You will recognize the right one because, at a certain point, you will come across a tree with a broken stem. Shortly after you will find the entrance to a cave, enter it to find the barrel and unlock the trophy.
The barrel in question is clearly an easter egg, which refers to the same barrels that Trico, the mammoth creature protagonist of The Last Guardian, ate.
Alternatively, you can easily reach the cave in question reeds on your way to the sixth and/or thirteenth Colossus, as the road to reach them will pass near the area in question.
For any clarification, please see the attached video.
Proficient Archer
Hit a lizard with a special arrow.
You will get the special arrows by beating the Colossi in the various time trials. Use these arrows to kill a lizard to get the trophy.
Wandering Valley
Defeat the first colossus.
Trophy related to history, impossible to miss.
INTRODUCTED DIFFERENCES FROM THE DIFFICULT MODE: The boss will have a new vital point located on his right arm.
The mammoth
Defeat the second giant.
A trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
INTRODUCTED DIFFERENCES FROM THE DIFFICULT MODE: the boss will have a new vital point, located on the left side of his abdomen.
The Knight's Awakening
Defeat the third giant.
Story related trophy, impossible to miss.
INTRODUCTED DIFFERENCES FROM THE DIFFICULT MODE: the boss will have a new vital point, located on his left biceps.
The land of the graves
Defeat the fourth colossus.
Story related trophy, impossible to miss.
INTRODUCTED DIFFERENCES FROM THE DIFFICULT MODE: The boss will have two new vital points, located on both his shoulders.
Ride the wind
Defeat the fifth colossus.
A trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
The Giant's Tomb
Defeat the sixth colossus.
Trophy related to history, impossible to miss.
INTRODUCTED DIFFERENCES FROM THE DIFFICULT MODE: the boss will have a new vital point, located on his left hand.
Lightning discharges
Defeat the seventh colossus.
A trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
Scales in the Colosseum
Defeat the eighth colossus.
A trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
The Cave Predator
Defeat the ninth colossus.
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
The mystery of the sand
Defeat the tenth colossus.
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
The pit keeper
Defeat the 11th colossus.
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
The thunder of the lake
Defeat the Twelfth Boss.
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
Traces in the storm
Defeat the thirteenth colossus.
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
The shield of the colossus
Defeat the fourteenth colossus.
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
Valley of the Fallen
Defeat the fifteenth colossus.
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
INTRODUCTED DIFFERENCES FROM THE DIFFICULT MODE: the boss will have a new vital point, located at the height of his heart.
The last of the giants
Defeat the sixteenth colossus.
Trophy linked to history, impossible to miss.
Silver Trophies
Reach the entrance
Cross the bridge to the entrance to the Forbidden Landes.
You know that long, very long white bridge that led you to the main temple right in the opening film of Shadow of the Colossus? Well, to get the trophy in question, you will have to reach it and walk backwards until you reach the Forbidden Landes. To do this, of course, you'll have to climb to the top of the main temple. Needless to say, this will require your Stamina to be at or near its peak.
For any clarification, please see the attached video.
Last man
Complete an entire game without ever dying.
The way to get this trophy is pretty much self-explanatory. You will have to complete a run without ever dying. It won't be an impossible feat, and you can unlock the trophy at the first run without even realizing it. If this doesn't happen, don't worry, it will happen almost automatically at the second run, as the bosses will have no more secrets for you and, above all, your health will be considerably increased.
Bearer of the curse
Complete the game at any level of difficulty.
Again, the explanation is soon given: you will have to complete Shadow of the Colossus at any level of difficulty.
Fury of the Dormin
Use the Dormin's breath.
This trophy is one of the missing goals, although paradoxically it is one of the easiest to unlock. In the final bars of the game, Wander will turn into Dormin, a giant creature, and you'll find yourself facing soldiers. To get the trophy, all you'll have to do is use Dormin's fiery breath by pressing the triangle button.
In search of salvation
Pray at all shrines.
There will be 25 shrines on the game map. As soon as you approach one of them, by pressing the R2 button, Wander can kneel down and pray. Well, to unlock the trophy, you will have to repeat this procedure for all 25 shrines. You'll be able to reach the shrines at almost any time during the game. All but one. The last shrine is in fact located in an area that will become accessible to you only after you have beaten the 15th Colossus. Since the shrine in question is located just before the area where you will face the final boss, save manually after defeating the 15th Titan and you will be safe.
Below, we attach a map, with which you will find all the shrines, represented by yellow icons.

Sly Knight
Perform all the stunts with Agro.
As anyone who has played one of the previous versions of Shadow of the Colossus will remember, you can perform stunts with Agro, our faithful steed. These are eight simple evolutions, once again playable at any time during the game, which are by no means a difficult challenge. Here is a complete list of what you'll have to do to get the trophy:
- Press the X key to jump off Agro's rump while the horse is walking;
- Press the DOWN + TRIANGLE keys to start galloping;
- Press DOWN + TRIANGLE while galloping to immediately stop Agro;
- Press the DOWN + TRIANGLE keys twice in rapid succession to make Agro turn immediately;
- While galloping, press R2 + UP to stand up on the saddle;
- While galloping, hold down the R2 + X keys and then move the left directional lever to LEFT to cling to the left side of Agro;
- While galloping, hold down the R2 + X keys and then move the left directional lever RIGHT to cling to Agro's right side;
- Blow up Agro. To do so, make him run to any small hill;
If you have any doubts or concerns, please see the attached video.
Fruit of the Garden
Taste the poisoned fruit.
Do you know the garden that you see during the end credits of the game? Well, the fruit in question is right there. To reach it, you'll have to climb the main temple, just as you'll have to do to get the "Reach the entrance" trophy. It goes without saying that in order to get to the top, you'll need to be at or near the top. Once you reach the garden, you'll find a tree not much different from those on the main map. Fire an arrow in the direction of the fruit, drop it, pick it up, eat it, and the trophy will be yours. A small indication: you should know that the fruit in question is poisoned. This means that once you eat it, your stamina and health will decrease permanently. For this very reason, we recommend that you unlock this trophy last.
Golden Trophies
King of speed
Get all the Timed Challenge items in one set.
We are facing the most challenging trophy in Shadow of the Colossus. After finishing the game the first time, you can start a New Game+, which will allow you to start the adventure again with all the stats you got in the first run of Shadow of the Colossus. However, there is another novelty: time trials. Go near the great statues of the various Colossi, press the R2 button to pray, and a special mode will take place in which you will have to defeat the boss in question within a time limit. At normal difficulty, it won't be anything particularly challenging. As you overcome the challenges in question, you'll get reward items, which can be collected in the waterhole right in the middle of the stairwell.
Once you've overcome all the challenges of the New Game+ at normal difficulty, save the game manually, return to the Main Menu, and start a new New Game+, this time at difficult difficulty. Our Wander will start this second New Game+ with all the items already obtained from the previous challenges. To get the trophy, you'll have to overcome the time challenges again, this time in difficult mode. It goes without saying that, in this case, the challenge level will be much, much higher, and you'll have to get to know the bosses to bring home the victory. Also in this case, you'll get a new set of prize items. Collect them by having those already obtained previously and the trophy will be yours.
For any clarification, please see the enclosed playlist.
Intrepid mortal
Boost Wander's health and vigor to the maximum.
As we told you before, there are two ways to enhance the health and vigor of our character: kill the Colossi and/or collect the fruits and tails of silver lizards. The method we recommend is to kill as many Colossi as possible, especially if you are already familiar with them. Collecting all the fruits and tails of lizards once, it should take about 5 complete runs of Shadow of the Colossus to bring both health and stamina to the maximum. As you will easily understand, this is probably the Shadow of the Colossus trophy that will take the longest to get.
Speed demon
Complete the difficult level in less than 5:41:28.
It may look like a difficult trophy to get, but it's not a difficult trophy at all. As with previous Fumito Ueda games, you can complete them easily in just over 2 hours, provided you are fast, you mean. Just for this reason, memorize all the locations of the various Colossi and how to reach them, do not waste so much time and, above all, skip all the cutscenes, just to be sure. You can consult the duration of your gameplay by pressing the Options button.
The only difficulty you may encounter is that the bosses will have more life, their attacks will cause more damage, and they may have new vital points. In this case, consult previous trophies for any changes in the difficult mode. The good news is that you'll be able to use the items obtained from the timed challenges. The queen's sword, thanks to its ability to destroy a vital point with a single blow, will be your best ally. Since you'll have to complete the game several times to maximize health and stamina, you'll have many attempts to unlock the trophy.
Inverted flakes
Beat Colossus 8 before he can turn around.
We're talking about the lizard-shaped boss of Shadow of the Colossus, whose vital point is on his belly. To kill it, then, we'll have to hit it in the paws when it tries to climb, so that it falls over and overturns. This will be the only way to access his weak spot. Once our lizard is legs in the air, we will have to be very quick to reach it and defeat it in a few shots, before it regains consciousness and is able to return to balance. Needless to say, the objects obtained in the time trials will make it much easier for us, especially the queen's sword.
Wrist problem
Defeat Colossus 3 without breaking his wrist.
This is one of the new trophies from the PS4 remake of Shadow of the Colossus. As everyone will remember, breaking the wristband of the third Colossus was a necessary step for our ascent. Well, to get this trophy, we'll have to defeat the boss without resorting to this ruse. There are several ways to get the trophy in question, we will show you the easiest. First, provoke the titan and let him use his long-range sword attack. Be careful: the sword must not hit either the rock platforms or the edges of the stage, because in either case its protection will break, and we will have to start all over again.
Hang on to his sword, jump from its edge clinging to the protrusions of the armor of his legs. Wait for the Colossus to lower his long arms and, at this point, jump over the wrist and cling to the fur just above it. From here, continue your climb to the vital points of the boss, located on his belly and head, destroy them and the trophy will be yours.
Platinum trophy
The young man with horns
All the trophies obtained
As usual, you'll only get the coveted platinum after unlocking all the other trophies. As you will have understood, none of the challenges are particularly complex, but you'll have to invest 20 to 30 hours to unlock the platinum of Shadow of the Colossus.