In the Remake of Resident Evil 2 8 safes have been hidden, a feature similar to the cages of Resident Evil 7, and in this guide we will reveal their location and the combinations to use to open them.
In the safes you can find some of the best items the title has to offer and fortunately the combinations are the same no matter what platform you're playing on.
Safe positions and combinations
NB: We will use D (right) and S (left) to indicate the direction in which to turn the knob.
Safe - West Office
- First floor police station, west office.
- Combination: S9, D15, S7.
- Reward: Weapon upgrade piece.
Desk - West office
- First floor police station, west office.
- Combination: Left = NED / Right = MRG.
- Reward: Upgrade inventory.
Locker - Second Floor Showers
- Second floor police station, showers.
- Combination: ZIP code.
- Reward: Ammunition.
Bonus: Portable safe deposit box - Second floor showers
- Police Station second floor, showers.
- Comination: As it changes for each one we suggest you to write down the key combination you use to turn on all the green lights below.
- Reward: Spare parts (inventory upgrade required).
Locker - Police Station third floor
- Police Station third floor.
- Combination: DCM.
- Reward: Ammunition.
Safe - Waiting room
- Police station second floor, waiting room.
- Combination: S6, D2, L11.
- Reward: Weapon upgrade piece.
Bonus: Portable safe deposit box - Laundry room
- Police station second floor, Laundry. To gain access you will need the diamond shaped key that can be obtained in the morgue during the story.
- Comination: As it changes for each one, we recommend you to note down the key combination you use to turn on all the green lights below.
- Reward: Spare parts (inventory upgrade required).
Locker - Sewer Control Room.
- Sewerage (upper floor), control room.
- Combination: SZF.
- Reward: Ammunition.
Safe - Treatment Pool Room
- Sewer (mezzanine floor), Treatment Pool Room.
- Combination: S2, D12, S8.
- Reward: Piece weapon upgrade.