How to solve Legendary Clue 3 (The Bird Pokemon of Legend)
While the second Legendary Clue had multiple parts from the start, Legendary Clue 3 is just a page that will be updated as we play it. To begin with, Legendary Clue 3 says, “When the sun reaches its zenith, it shines directly on a large tree with leaves that seem to be burning. This is where the legendary wings come to perch.
As you will notice from the clue seen at the top of the article, we need to start by heading towards this giant tree, which can be found at the far south of The Crown Tundra map in the area known as Ballimere Lake. . The fastest way to get there is to take a flight to the Giant's Bed fast travel location, then cross the water southwest to reach Ballimere Lake.
What you need to do now is go around the giant tree here and find the path that will allow you to climb up to the actual tree, which will trigger a cutscene. This is where you'll first discover Galarian Moltres, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Articuno, which is the focus of this quest. Your Rotom Dex will make a sound and scare them off however, forcing us to follow all three. The phone call here will be from Peony, who will inform you of the destination of each of the birds, which will take us out of The Crown Tundra for 2/3 of them.
At this point, Legendary Clue 3 will also be updated to add “The orange bird has passed out in the wilderness. The black bird flew to the Isle of Armor. The purple bird left across the Crown Tundra.
The last of these is Galarian Articuno and since it is the only bird that remained in The Crown Tundra, we will try to pursue it first. What you need to do is circle the Crown Tundra area to find a stationary Galarian Articuno floating in the air, which was in the Frostpoint Field near the Registeel Temple for the first time. Head towards Articuno, but this is where it gets tricky, as they will split into threes and float. You have to get on and run right to start the battle, which really is almost trial and error. As a result, I highly recommend saving up before doing this. Technically, whoever beats their rings when they first go their separate ways is the right one, but they move so fast it's hard to tell.
Once you've chosen the correct Articuno, it will fly away and disappear, before reappearing just above you. If you hit the right one, this is another good place to save before the battle, as you don't want to knock out Articuno and have to choose between the three again. Galarian Articuno is different from the original, as it is a Psychic / Flying type instead of Ice / Flying. As a result, you'll want to bring in Dark, Ice, Rock, Ghost, or Electric type moves to go against it, but also make sure you don't get too powerful and knock him out. The goal here is to catch it, so do it with whatever ball you want. It is definitely the most annoying of birds, so you can use your Master Ball, although it can be caught with others for sure. This is made even more difficult if you are in an icy area, as it will mean it will be hail and deal damage to Articuno every turn.
Now we come to the first part of The Crown Tundra expansion where we actually have to leave The Crown Tundra. The other two birds left and went to the base game and the Isle of Armor expansion, respectively. Since we're doing the expansions, we'll head to the Isle of Armor instead, which can be done from the station gates or simply by plane. Just be sure to click on 'See more' and choose Armor Station to get there if you are using the station.
Once you've arrived at the Isle of Armor, head outside and look around and see if you see Galarian Moltres at the water's edge. Once you see it flying, it will trigger its path, which you can interact with in several places. Standing near the Dojo is a good place here, so keep an eye out for Moltres and head just to the right of the Dojo across the crop fields. You should see Moltres coming this way, so make sure to whistle when he approaches and he'll receive an exclamation mark from his head to show he's about to attack. This is also a great time to save, as it will immediately come within your grasp and start the battle right after.
As with Galarian Articuno, Galarian Moltres has a different typing now, as now it's Dark / Flying instead of Fire / Flying. As a result, that means you'll want to bring in Pokémon with Rock, Electric, Ice, or Fairy type moves. As before, make sure you don't accidentally knock out Moltres and try to capture him here.
Once you've grabbed Moltres, it's time to head back to the main Galar area, especially the wilderness. For this one, we're going to start by flying to the start of the wilderness area known as the Meetup Spot for a quick trip. Shortly after you arrive, you should notice Galarian Zapdos running around, which is a change here. Rather than chasing Zapdos through the air like the others, Zapdos will run into the wild area and you will have to catch up with him.
As soon as Zapdos sees you, he will take off and apparently can easily outrun you on your bike. However, continue afterwards and you will notice that it starts to slow down over time. Don't worry about taking any shortcuts or anything, as you'll eventually catch up if you keep following. The only problem here may be if you run into snowstorms, sandstorms, etc. which will make it really hard to see it. In this case, you may need to reset the zone or just keep looking.
The battle against Zapdos herself will begin as soon as you touch her. Like the other two birds, Galarian Zapdos saw a change in strike from Lighting / Flying to Fighting / Flying. It's a very interesting and weak typing against Flying, Electric, Ice, Psychic, and Fairy type moves. Again, be careful not to knock Zapdos out and make sure you've saved him beforehand just in case.
Now that you have the three legendary birds, head back to base camp and talk to Peony. Choose the Pokémon Legendary Bird option and return each of the three birds to it. As soon as you bring back the third, it will officially check off Legendary Clue 3 as complete.