Here I will reveal the simple secret of conquering Battle Tower. You just need rental teams, that is, teams that you can borrow for your fights. So you won't have to worry about earning points or earning XP anymore. Your main team won't participate, but you can earn a lot of Rare Candy. Use this rare candy to increase your favorites and let the rental team fight for you. Then you can reap all the rewards with minimal effort.
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How To Crush Battle Tower And Unlock Rank Max | Guide to solos and doubles
Battle Tower is located in Wyndon and unlocks after completing the main story. Instead of fighting until you lose, you will be able to rank at different levels in multiple combat circuits. Here we will focus on the Solo (1v1) and Double (2v2) combat circuits.
There are 11 ranks and for each rank you will receive Rare Candy and other rewards. To consecutively earn Max Rank, you can continue to earn extremely valuable items, like Bottle Caps (30 Wins), Golden Bottle Caps (50 Wins), etc.
How to win with rental teams
To win much easier, ditch your normal Pokémon team and just use Rental teams. Speak to the NPC vendor on the right side to select a rental team to take into battle.
- How to win (1v1):
- Select Competence team.
- Hexadron and Leviator are the best Pokémon for this. They are both extremely powerful and robust.
- How to win (2v2):
- Select Rain team.
- Bekipan and Hastacuda can clear this circuit by working together.
You will need to achieve 33 consecutive wins for each mode to unlock the maximum rank. It will take some time, but using these particular teams makes it much easier. You'll still need to use items and work with the Pokémon you have to earn, but these rental teams can take care of everything.