Previously, you were stuck in your Pokémon's nature, and not every nature is equal. Some Pokémon are better with certain natures - a brave Pokémon will increase the attack faster, but the speed will increase much slower. Every nature has a weakness and a strength. Now you can finally change your nature on the fly with an end game feature. There are 21 different natures - here I'm going to explain how to change them and what each Nature actually does.
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How To Change The Nature Of Your Pokémon | New Features Guide
Pokémon, once captured, will have 1 of 21 different types. Each Nature changes a Pokémon's primary stat rate as you fight. Natures has strength and weakness. One stat will increase faster than others, while another will increase more slowly. Changing your nature means that you can further customize your Pokemon and maximize the stats you need.
How to change nature: Natures can be changed with special items called Mints. Peppermint candies are sold at Battle Tower - by feeding your Pokémon a Nature Mint, you change their stats based on the corresponding mint.
- The cost of all natural mints 50 BP each from the seller Battle Tower.
Using Nature Mints changes stats based on the corresponding nature, but does not change the nature displayed on your Pokemon - and the displayed nature will be passed on to any Pokemon you breed. This is the major drawback. Here's a quick rundown of the 21 Natures and what they do to let you choose which Natures you want and which you want to ignore.
All 21 Natures
- Categorical: Attack ++ / Special Attack–
- Bold: Defense ++ / Attack–
- Courageous: Attack ++ / Speed–
- Calm: Special Defense ++ / Attack–
- Cautious: Special defense ++ / Special attack ++
- Doux: Special Defense ++ / Defense–
- Precipitate: Speed ++ / Defense–
- Playful: Defense ++ / Special Attack–
- Gai: Speed ++ / Special Attack–
- Released: Defense ++ / Special defense–
- click here.: Attack ++ / Defense–
- Doux: Special attack ++ / defense–
- Modest: Special Attack ++ / Attack–
- Naive: Speed ++ / Special Defense–
- Naughty: Attack ++ / special defense -
- Silencer: Special attack ++ / Speed–
- Eruption: Special attack ++ / special defense–
- Relaxed: Defense ++ / Speed–
- Impertinent: Special Defense ++ / Speed–
- Serious: N / A - No buff or debuff.
- Shy: Speed ++ / Attack–