There are two tools you'll desperately need to make it easier to catch these Legendary Pokémon: a Pokémon with a fake swipe and timer balls. Timer Balls are unique Pokeballs sold by Watts Traders on random days in the Wilderness. Pokémon with False Swipe include Cubone / Marowak, Scyther, and Gallade - all types you can find in the new DLC areas. False Swipe can be used to damage Pokemon at 1 HP. Then you are free to use the timer balls, which only become more effective the longer your fight lasts.
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How to open the 4 Titan temples | Legendary Pokémon Quest Guide
After meeting Peony, you will be given three special legendary quests. One of these quests requires you to find four temples and catch the Pokémon Titan inside. Each door is locked and you will have to solve a puzzle to access it.
The Final Temple requires you to select one of two Legendary Pokémon - you can't catch both on one save file!

Temple n ° 1: Regirock [Rock Type]
- Location: Giant's Bed, in the far west near Frostpoint Field.
- How to open: Press [Left D-Pad] to whistle.
- Climb all the circles in the Iron Ruins, then interact with the stone statue. Use Pokeballs to capture the legendary Pokémon.

Temple n ° 2: Registeel [Steel Type]
- Location: Giant bed, extreme eastern edge.
- How to open: Give the Pokémon in your # 1 slot with a held Everstone item.
- Climb all the circles of the ruins of Rock Peak, then interact with the stone statue. Use Pokeballs to capture the legendary Pokémon.

Temple n ° 3: Régice [Ice Type]
- Location: Snowslide Slope, western passage of the tunnel at the top.
- How to open: Catch Cryogonal and set it as your # 1 Slot Pokémon, and walk with your Pokémon when you interact with the door. Talk to Freezington's little kid to set up a Pokemon buddy.
- Climb all the circles in the Iceberg Ruins, then interact with the stone statue. Use Pokeballs to capture the legendary Pokémon.

Temple n ° 4: Regieleki [Electric Type] / Regidrago [Dragon Type]
- Location: Three-point pass, south of the frozen sea.
- How to open: Catch Regirock, Registeel, and Regice and have them join your party when you interact with the temple gate.
- This temple has two legendary Pokémon. Look outside the temple to see two models - enter those models to fight one of the two. You can only select one; either Dragon or Electric.
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