If you're having trouble catching them, I highly recommend buying a ton of timer balls and throwing them. They make it so easy to catch legendary Pokémon. Legendary Birds are also much easier to capture in general than some of the other Legendary Pokemon you will encounter - the Legendary Pokemon Titan in Temples may require more than 20 Ultra Balls. Save time and buy a ton of timer balls early.
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How To Catch a Legendary Bird Pokemon | Galarian Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos
To begin the quest to capture the legendary birds, visit Lake Ballimere in the south of the Crown tundra. Go to the huge tree and enter Dyna Tree Hill to get a good look at the three legendary Galarian-shaped bird Pokémon.
After the cutscene, everyone will leave for a very different area of the game.
- Legendary bird locations:
- Articuno galarien: Crown of the Tundra
- Galarian sulphides: Isle of Armor
- Galarian Zapdos: Wild area [Galar Region]
Each of the birds wonders about their particular area. Hear their bird cry and explore until you see them slowly walking around - get close and they will perform a special escape unique to each bird.

Zapdos: Zapdos moves away quickly as you approach. Keep running with your bike - after about 5 breakouts Zapdos will tire and slow down, allowing him to catch up.
- Location: Wilderness Area - Spawns just south of Motostoke Gate.

Moltres: Moltres flies fast and far above water. If you don't trap it, it will spin in a circle and leave you in the dust. After spotting him in Stepping-Stone Sea, head to Loop Lagoon and catch him there.
- Location: Isle of Armor - Spawns in the Stepping-Stone Sea, West of Challenge Beach. Follow him south and wait at the narrow entrance to the lagoon to fight him.
Articuno: Approach and this legendary bird splits into multiple copies - you must hit the correct one of the three or it will disappear and reappear elsewhere in the Crown Tundra.
- Location: Crown Tundra - Spawns in Snowslide Slope, on the high ledge to the left of the tunnel to the Top entrance, above the temple. If he escapes, look in the Old Graveyard or in the area to the right of Giant's Bed Shrine near the town of Freezington.
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