Like previous Pokémon titles, Sword and Shield also have gods Exclusive Pokémon based on the version of the game you are playing: let's see what they are!
Exclusive Pokémon will only be catchable in one or the other version of the title, however some will be available by sharing Dynamax Raid and can be exchanged between the players of the two versions.
We also remember that there also exist Exclusive gym leaders based on the version of the game you are playing.
Sword-exclusive Pokémon
Gigamax exclusive to Spada, but can be obtained by sharing the Raid Dynamax

Red stripes

Gigamax exclusive to Spada, but can be obtained by sharing the Raid Dynamax

The item to evolve it is only available in Sword, but can be exchanged for Shield.

Gigamax exclusive to Spada, but can be obtained by sharing the Raid Dynamax
