Getting Max Soup isn't that difficult - you only need to complete two tries at the Master Dojo. The tricky part is acquiring rare Max mushrooms. You'll need to get three Max Mushrooms to generate Max Soup - and Max Mushrooms don't just grow on trees. You will only find them in specific places and they will only appear under certain conditions. Learn how to stock up on Max Mushrooms and turn all of your Pokémon friends into their coolest forms below.
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How To Get Max Mushrooms | Max Soup Breeding Guide
Max Mushrooms are the main ingredient in Max Soup - an upgrade that allows you to transform Dynamax Pokémon into their Gigamax form. This is the only way to acquire Gigamax forms for certain Pokémon!
Each max soup requires three Max mushrooms. Max Mushrooms can only be found on the Isle of Armor and only in specific locations. Fungi gradually appear very slowly on their own. Like, maybe less than one a day. But you can speed up the process.
- Max mushrooms Only spawn in Concentration Forest, Warm-up Tunnel, Brawler Cave, and Courageous Cave.
To spawn Max Mushrooms, you need to complete Max Raids. Complete around 3 raids at most will spawn a Max Mushroom - they're more likely to spawn in the area where the Max Raids were completed, but Max Mushrooms can spawn in any of the four slots.
So how do you make Max Mushrooms appear? Travel through the Isle of Armor, perform as many max raids as you can, and wait for those max mushrooms to appear. You'll have to walk every inch of the four locations, but slowly you'll earn enough Max Mushrooms to get these upgrades. Don't expect to get them too quickly - it might be a few days of farming before three spawn on your island!
Max Mushrooms can evolve the Pokémon in the list below. The only Pokémon that needs anything else is Urshifu. You will need to complete an additional story activity after mastery trials to earn Max Honey to change Urshifu's form.
- All Pokémon That Can Gigantamax with Max Soup
- Florizarre
- Charizard
- Blastoise
- Without butter
- Pikachu
- Meow
- Machamp
- gengar
- Kingler
- Lapras
- Evoli
- Ronflex
- Garbodor
- Rillaboom
- Cinderella
- Inteleon
- Corviknight
- Orbeetle
- Drednaw
- Coalossal
- Flapple
- Appletun
- Sandaconda
- Toxtricity
- Centiskorch
- The hats
- Grimmsnarl
- Alcremie
- Copperajah
- Duraludon
- Urshifu
And that covers all the Pokémon you can improve with Max Soup - and how to grow your own Max mushrooms. Don't expect to get them all quickly, it may take several days of grinding raids to spawn a single one of these rare items.