How it works? All you need to do is find a randomly generated trader on the Isle of Armor. There are two types of random NPCs in the DLC Wilderness - a woman in a blue shirt and a woman in a white shirt. Blue Shirt NPCs will give you returning Pokémon Pokedex entries found on Isle of Armor for 100 watts. NPCs in white shirts will trade regional Pokémon for the same species, but from a different region. They all appear randomly, so you'll have to explore them to get them all.
All New and Returning Legendary Pokémon | Isle of Armor Pokedex | How to Access Isle of Armor »Useful Wiki How to Use the Cram-O-Matic» Useful Wiki Recipe List | How To Make A Max Soup | Gigantamax Improvement Guide | How to Complete the Three Dojo Master Trials »Helpful Wiki Walkthrough | How to earn and evolve Kubfu | Legendary Guide to Irshifu | How To Evolve Galar Slowpoke Into Slowbro | Evolution guide
How To Get Rare Pokémon In Another Region »Useful In-Game Traders Wiki
- Trade Alolan Meowth Win Kanto Meowth
- Trade Galarian Farfetch'd Win Kanto Farfetch'd
- Trade Galarian Corsola Win Kanto Corsola
- Trade Galarian Ponyta Win Song Ponyta
- Trade Galarian Mr. Mime Win Kanto Mr. Mime
- Trade Galarian Darumaka Win Unovan Darumaka
- Trade Galarian Zigzagoon Win Hoigian Zigzagoon
- Trade Galarian Stunfisk Win Unovan Stunfisk
- Trade Galarian Weezing Win Kanto Weezing
- Trade Kanto Exeggutor Win Alolan Exeggutor
- Trade Kanto Marowak Win Alolan Marowak