Pokémon Sword and Shield: Isle of Armor DLC - All Useful NPC Features | Move Guardians, Dojo upgrades and more

    Pokémon Sword and Shield: Isle of Armor DLC - All Useful NPC Features | Move Guardians, Dojo upgrades and more

    You'll also find NPCs who can do things you won't find anywhere in the standard Galar region. Lady Clear can clear your Pokémon's stats, letting them start fresh in exchange for Armorite Ore. There are two dedicated Ore NPCs - one that gives you free ore, and another that takes ore in exchange for Watts. You can also unlock a bunch of new moves by trading Armorite Ore, which is a rare random drop. You will really want to find the Digging Ma.

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    The Isle of Armor is home to many useful NPCs that you won't find anywhere else in the game world. Some of them offer unique features, new items, or special rewards. I'll go through the list of all the special NPCs to watch out for here.

    • Lady Clear: Workout Sea - Removes all base stats from a Pokémon and lets you start from scratch. Costs 10 Armorite Ore. Located on a small empty island. You have to get closer for her to appear!
    • Bike Lady: Fields of Honor - The Bike Lady lets you customize your bike paint. You can select white or black, or customize your colors to suit your first-party Pokémon. Located to the left of the entrance to the Master Dojo.
    • Fashion designer: Armor Station - Found in Armor Station, if you donate the 3 crafted cash it will reward you with a new set of outfits.
    • Max Soup Cook: Master Dojo - Found in the kitchen of the Master Dojo. Appears after completing the second try. Bring the NPC near the 3 Max Mushroom jar to earn Max Soup - allowing you to upgrade certain Pokémon to their Gigantamax forms.
    • Move the tutor: Master Dojo - Located at the back of the dojo. After completing the first try, you can trade in 5 Armorite Ores to learn unique moves. You will get a great list of powerful moves that you can teach.
    • Miss Honey: Master Dojo - After completing all three trials, Miss Honey will allow you to upgrade the Master Dojo and acquire new useful functions.
      • 5000 watts: hairdresser
      • 10000 watts: Rotomi terminal (non-functional)
      • 20000 watts: Rotomi terminal (in operation)
      • 30000 watts: automatic dispenser
      • 40 watts: new article for vending machine - Soda Pop
      • 50 watts: new article for vending machine - lemonade
      • 100 watts: daily free ingredients
      • 200 watts: new items for vending machines - supplements
      • 300 watts: new items for vending machines - no more supplements
      • 400 watts: new items for vending machines - even more extras
    • Hyde: Master Dojo - Sitting at the desk, talk to Hyde to unlock the Cram-o-matic crafting machine. You can also spend 100 watts and Hyde will give you a random recipe.
    • Dig My: An NPC who appears randomly somewhere in the Isle of Armor wilderness. Talk to them and you will get free Armorite Ore.
    • Dig Pa: Stands just outside the warm-up tunnel in the Practice Lowlands. Trade him Armorite Ore and he'll dig up Watts!
      • If you are lucky you can earn an insane amount of watts. My first try, I picked up 213 watts.

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