We won't be covering any of the new Pokémon here - which shouldn't be too difficult. There are only two Pokémon that you really need to worry about evolving. Galar Slowbro and Kubfu both require special evolution methods, which we have detailed in the list of guides below. If you're looking for the rest of the standard evolutionary methods, check out the full guide here.
All New and Returning Legendary Pokémon | Isle of Armor Pokedex | How to Access Isle of Armor »Useful Wiki How to Use the Cram-O-Matic» Useful Wiki Recipe List | How To Make A Max Soup | Gigantamax Improvement Guide | How to Complete the Three Dojo Master Trials »Helpful Wiki Walkthrough | How to earn and evolve Kubfu | Legendary Guide to Irshifu | How To Evolve Galar Slowpoke Into Slowbro | Evolution guide
All development methods exclusive to the extension
There are over 50 Returning Pokémon found on Isle of Armor. Some of them require unique items like Moon Stone, Water Stone, Ice Stone, etc. These items can be purchased from the Rare Item Vendor in Storage on the side. Check back daily for a chance to get them. You can also purchase some of these special items in the battle tower arena.
- Sandshrew
- Evolves in Sandslash: Reach level 22
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Evolves into Alolan Sandslash: use Ice Stone
- Igglypuff
- Evolves into Wigglypuff: Reach Happiness Value 220
- Evolves into Wigglytuff: use Moon Stone
- Psyduck
- Evolves to Golduck: Reach level 33
- Poliwag
- Evolves to Poliwhirl: Reach level 25
- Evolve into Poliwrath: use the water stone
- Evolves into Politoed: Trade with King's Rock Held Item
- Open
- Evolves to Kadabra: Reach level 16
- Evolves in Alakazam: Pokemon Trade
- Tentacool
- Evolves into Tentacruel: Reach level 30
- Kanto Slowpoke
- Evolves into Slowbrow: Reach level 37
- Evolves Into Slow: Trade with an item held by King's Rock
- Magnemite
- Evolves to Magneton: Reach level 30
- Evolve in Magnezone: use Thunder Stone
- Exeggcute
- Evolves into exeggutor: use Stone Stone
- Cubone
- Evolves into Marowak: Reach level 28
- Lickitung
- Evolves into Lickilicky: Level up through learned movement
- Happininny
- Evolves to Chansey: Level up while holding an Oval Stone during the day
- Evolve into Blissey: Level up with happiness level 220
- Tangela
- Evolve to Tangrowth: Level up with the movement learned by Ancient Power
- Horse
- Evolves into Seadra: Reach level 32
- Evolves in Kingdra: Trade with the Dragonscale Item
- Staryu
- Evolves into Starmie: use the water stone
- Sickle
- Evolves into Scizor: Exchange with the Metal Coat item
- Porygon
- Evolves into Porygon2: swaps with a higher grade detained item
- Evolves to Porygon-Z: swap with questionable disk
- Azurill
- Evolve to Marill: Gain 220 levels of happiness
- Evolves into Azumarill: Reached level 18
- Whismur
- Evolves to Loudred: Reach level 20
- Evolves to Exploud: Reach level 40
- Carvanha
- Evolves into Sharpedo: reach level 30
- Shinx
- Evolves into Luxio: Reach level 15
- Evolves to Luxray: reach level 30
- Buneary
- Evolve in Lopunny: Level up with 220 Happiness
- Lillipup
- Evolves in Herdier: reach level 16
- Evolves to Stoutland: Reach level 32
- Venipede
- Evolves in a whirlwind: reach level 22
- Evolves to Scolipede: reach level 30
- Petilil
- Evolve into Liligant: use the Sun Stone
- Sandile
- Evolves to Krokorok: Reach level 29
- Evolves into Krookodile: Reach level 40
- Floor
- Evolves to Zoroark: Reach level 30
- Foongus
- Evolves into Amoongus: Reach level 39
- Mienfoo
- Evolves to Mienshao: Reach level 50
- Larvestra
- Evolves to Volcarona: Reach level 59
- Fletchling
- Evolves into Fletchinder: Reach level 17
- Evolves in Talonflame: Reach level 35
- Skrelp
- Evolves into Dragalge: reach level 48
- Clauncher
- Evolves into Clawitzer: Reach level 37
- Rockruff
- Evolves to Lycanroc Midday Form: Reach level 25 between 8 a.m. and 20 p.m.
- Evolves in the form of midnight Lycanroc: Reach level 25 between 20 p.m. and 8 a.m.
- Evolves in Lycanroc Twilight Form: Reach level 25 with Tempo learned between 19 p.m. and 20 p.m.
- Fomantis
- Evolves in Lurantis: Reach level 38 between 8 a.m. and 20 p.m.
- Sandygast
- Evolves to Palossand: Reach level 42