How to get Carapuce, Carabaffe and Tortank
Squirtle was the original Water-type starter in Pokemon Red and Blue and has been featured in all subsequent games at least via National Dex. That was until Pokemon Sword and Shield appeared. However, Game Freak couldn't keep the original three starters, so Squirtle is available in several ways now.
The first is through Pokemon Home, which is out now. Signing up for the app on your phone will allow you to select one of three original starters which you can then bring to Pokemon Sword and Shield. You can also bring a player home from another game in the past and then transfer them.
While this is a way to bring Squirtle into the game from the outside, it's also now available in Pokemon Sword and Shield itself. This is done via new raids that have been added to the game for Pokemon Day and will only be available until March 1 at 18:59 p.m. ET.
Search the Wild Area for new Max Raids after getting the Wild Area News or just connecting to the internet in the game. Look for the different Dens Pokémon and check them all until you find a three-star Max Raid with the silhouette that looks like Squirtle.
Unlike the nearly impossible Mewtwo raids, these should be really straightforward for you as long as you are far into the game. Just bring a Pokemon that matches well, Grass and Electric being two good types here. You don't even have to worry about finding real-life players as partners for this one because the AI player should be fine for this one.
Not only can you find Squirtle in Max Raids during this short time, but you can also find Wortortle. You can just get a Squirtle and evolve it to get the Wortortle as well, but raids are also an option. Carabaffe isn't very hard either, so you should be fine as long as you gear up accordingly.
You can expect a Tortank Max Raid to be available as well, but that's not the case right now. Instead, you'll need to evolve your Squirtle into a Carabaffe, or catch one right away, and then evolve that Pokémon into Tortank yourself.