How to upgrade Crèmy to Charmilly
Before you even think about evolving a Creamy, you must first grab one. If you don't already have one in your party or in one of your boxes, head to Route 4. Crèmy also appears in parts of the wilderness, but only in specific weather conditions, so Route 4 is the best. bet to catch one. He will not appear in the world, so you will have to watch for a random encounter "!" In the tall grass to fall one.
To evolve Crèmy, you must give her an item called Sweet. There are several different candies to be found in Pokemon Sword and Shield, but the easiest to obtain is the Strawberry Sweet, which can be found in the field in Hammerlocke. Other candies can be earned by winning battles at the Battle Cafe in Hammerlock, Motostoke, or Wyndon, but winning a candy is not guaranteed. Give the candy you end up choosing to Crèmy. Now you are one step away from having a Charmilly.
Charmilly has nine different forms, each form having seven different variations depending on the Sweet that Crèmy holds during her evolution, resulting in a total of 63 unique versions of Harmilly. To evolve your Crèmy into Charmilly, you will need to rotate the analog stick around the world and rotate your character for a specific period of time before striking a pose. Here are the nine main forms and how to acquire them.
- Vanilla Cream - Turn clockwise during the day
- Caramel Swirl - Turn clockwise during the day for at least 10 seconds
- Ruby Cream - Turn counterclockwise during the day
- Ruby Swirl - Rotate counterclockwise during the day for at least 10 seconds
- Rainbow Swirl - Spin back and forth for 30 seconds at exactly 19 p.m. in the wild area
- Matcha Cream - Turn clockwise at night
- Lemon Cream - Turn clockwise at night for at least 10 seconds
- Salted Cream - Turn counterclockwise at night
- Mint Cream - Turn counterclockwise at night for at least 10 seconds
Depending on the Sweet you gave Creamy, the treats on Harmilly's head will be different.