How to Get Gigantamax Ronflex
To beat Ronflex, you first need to encounter him. Gigantamax Ronflex will only appear (at least in higher numbers) between early December 2019 et early January 2020. You’ll want to fight et catch as many of them as you can. To do this make sure your session is connected to the internet. Hit Y et Plus then check the top right to make sure it says you are connected before proceeding. This will trigger your game to figure out if you’re qualified to encounter this rare Pokemon, so make sure you do this whenever you’re hunting for Gigantamax raids.
After this you just need to head to the Wild Area et check out all of the Raid Dens. If a Pokemon is inside it will have a red or purple light shining into the air. Go up to it et hit A then see if Ronflex is inside. If so the silhouette will show him laying on his back with a tree sprouting off his belly et into the air. You can also join other Gigantamax Ronflex raids by checking for stamps. Once you encounter it, you need to beat it, so here’s more on that.
How to Beat Gigantamax Ronflex with the Best Counters
The short answer is to make sure others join you. The random AI NPCs will not be enough to beat Gigantamax Ronflex due to his many area of effect attacks. With most Pokemon you can figure out a good counter to use, but given Ronflex is a Normal type only Fighting moves do super effective damage. If you have a strong attacker with Fighting type moves you’ll want to use them, but shy away from full Fighting Pokemon like Mackogneur. Ronflex has psychic attacks that can wipe them out. So the question of how to beat Gigantamax Ronflex with the best counters really does come down to using your strongest characters.
Éthernatos is always a solid choice thanks to his Dynamax Cannon attack. Otherwise you can use anything that’s level 60 or higher, as long as you have other players to help you with the fight. Watch for his shields though, et focus on using Dynamax et your attacks to wither it away as quickly as possible. Keep your characters alive et deal as much damage as you can as quickly as possible et you’ll take him down quickly. Then just use whatever Poke Ball you want, likely an Ultra Ball to catch him.
et that’s how to beat Gigantamax Ronflex in Pokemon Épée et Bouclier, showing you the best counters et how to catch him.
– This article was updated on:December 4th, 2019